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Everything posted by Snowboardalliance

  1. Question: If you automate it, can we opt-out of that, and manually place them (on an ad account of course)?
  2. Michigan - USA __________________________ 100th post :medieval: __________________________
  3. 602 Fixed... (everyone inbetween my 2 posts are -1)
  4. :thumbsup: http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=104
  5. Sounds like Empire Earth. I have that too
  6. 597 EDITTED [bleeped!] was I thinkin...6? 9? LOL IT WASNT MESSED UP UNTILL HERE http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=67&st=555 Cuz if you count from before GM_268 changed it, to this page, the numbers were right.
  7. I have mine set to not show those images...It's somewhere in the whole about:config thing.
  8. Aren't you (DjBob) working on new plans that would have some with more space/bw?
  9. yeah, IE can make web design a PITA
  10. The Java class was year-long. I've been teaching myself HTML and PHP for a while tho. They also have C++, Visual Basics, and some other classes too but those are only a semester so I might not learn as much as I did in the Java one. My school has Computer Programming I, II, and III and AP Java. We also have Computer Apps (how to use MS word/excel - easy) and a bunch of different computer apps II (like web design, photoshop, etc.). 1/2 credit of computers is required.
  11. idk, sounds familliar... Googling http://www.microsoft.com/games/riseofnations/
  12. No, there still making AoE III It looks a little different than the others though, I hope its' good.
  13. I didn't see it either, is it good?
  14. I use Firefox and love it. You never said what you use.
  15. Plus all of the extensions makes it awesome
  16. I can give you an invite, PM me
  17. 536536536536536536536536536536536536536536536536536536536536 536
  18. I want that game. I had one I gba, then I did something and got stuck and haven't played it since. And I played majora's mask a few times.
  19. Emo isn't "pop rock" (*shudders*) it's emotional, like about suicide and stuff.
  20. I'll get around to that Djbob, I'm just lazy right now (just got home from work and have to work tomorrow)
  21. Not IPB, it says something like "The connection was refused when connecting to www.helionet.org" Just some DNS problem I guess
  22. A "fix this code" competition. Post bad php or xhtml or css and we find the corrections.
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