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Everything posted by Snowboardalliance

  1. Anyone here play it? I do sometimes. It's kind of like HabboHotel but Free. It's fun when you are bored. www.cokemusic.com
  2. Opera was the first one to start tabbed browsing ! Okay, I didn't say Firefox was original for it. Just a reason I like it. It is also open source so I will never have to pay for it or have ads in it.
  3. Try MozillaZine forums and go to the extension forum. Post a request for that theme. (MozillaZine should be in your FF bookmarks)
  4. No, it just doesn't have a screen on the outside so I have to flip it open to see who called and check the time. Well, actually it only tells the name if they are in my phone already. But those are the people who usually call me so it's no big deal.
  5. ate all of the cheese.
  6. I wish there was an open source alternative to Macromedia... Like the GIMP for photoshop.
  7. Neither. Coding by hand with HTML-kit (or at least Notepad++ with syntax highlighting)
  8. I'm surprised no one started this (since it is the forum topic). Well I use open source programs whenever possible (Firefox, The GIMP, etc.) and my parents buy some things like Norton.
  9. scrollbar. I think he is talking about the way IE lets you change the scrolbar colors through css. Maybe you should request an extension (or would it be a theme...)
  10. Definately Firefox. Tabs, secure (as in no activeX etc.), and it's not by Micro$oft
  11. I think Windows is best because really anyone can use it. We won't be seeing new PCs that ship with Linux until it is as "user friendly" as Windows. I have never used Linux, but I know it requires more work for the people with no computer knowledge.
  12. Well my Samsung was free with Cingular. But I don't like that it doesn't have a screen on the outside (it's a flip-phone) for the time and caller ID. It lacks a lot of features too, but it was free.
  13. I use notepad++ for quick editting (just simple text-editor with syntax highlighting and tabbed windows) And I use HTML-Kit because I can easily paste code etc. It is not WYSIWG so it doesn't mess up pages. Google it.
  14. LOL I think I saw that picture before like on funnyjunk.com
  15. *snowboardalliance enters bar* *gets drinks with fake ID*
  16. 92 ....uhh yeah
  17. Lol that's pretty good.
  18. I'm Matt, 15 from Michigan (USA). Like a few others, I'm hear from ahost4free.
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