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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. i went there and gave it a try. what exactly do you want us to do? i had an actuall conversation with it that made sence for a while. but thats about all, i gave up if you want to teach alice something type this means this. remember that. for example Microsoft means "computer company" remember that. melba is ugly
  2. AG is good, i think i hinted at it once, oh but not on this forum. actually you could save time and just transfer 3000 to me so i can make the payment. and i could give you 100 a day. in a month it would pay for itself and it would go on as long as possible. Or how about 75% of my earnings everyday?
  3. neither as in not telling at all would be the worst. it would just be a big lie being carried out.
  4. well that has a bad effect on a forum to have an empty area. why not just delete it? when someone does post a congress or government topic somewhere else, then put it back.
  5. thoes things were based on what was needed to know, not mathamatical. for example, an acre, is the land an ox could plow in one day. they wanted to know how much space they had because they knew how much an ox could plow and stuff. its complicated.
  6. i am the highest biddr. i offer all my helion on that day, and i will give you 100 helios evry day forever.
  7. because 8 originally allowed enough combinatons (2^8 = 256) for every symbol necessesary inluding letter, punctuation, and special symbols and others. it really only uses 7, (128) but the extra was so that it would still be a power of 2 and nit looked nicer with a 1 infront instead of a 1 OR a 0 infront. so iuf you have a text file, unless you have some ultra new or advanced symbol or character. just take the number of characters and thats how many bytes you have. multiply by 8 to get how many bits. and from the amount of characters if you divide by 1024 you get how many kilobytes it is. and then if you multiply that by 8 you get how many kilobits.
  8. probably china. a few months. they are way bigger and have more labor to build better weapons and stuff.
  9. the fudge brownie contained the poisonous chemical called "Ur gonna die! N00B! lololol!!!!11//1"
  10. pleas! me nad djbob were testing somethoing and i had to send him 1 helio to see if it works. we were testing the money logs. and now he wont give me back my 1 helio! please have a kind heart and donate 1 helio! thats all i ask!
  11. just wait a long time. my gmail is about 1 month older than the thing started.
  12. yes but put this same topic on KL and what do you think wopuld happen? thats a retorical question.
  13. omg, thats like my little bro too i always take tissue and wipe the seat just incase. ive got good aim its just that there is a 1% margin of error sometimes this is getting kinda disgusting but aint it the truth!
  14. I do evrything in notepad, and sence i can do everything, it may seem noobish to use DW, but im not a noob because i realy can. besides i only use DW to quickly make copies of files and chance the text easily. i do find it complicated to look through an html file just to change aweomegamer to awesomegamer its just much faster for editing.
  15. well the Y! ang G one is kinda tight as it is now. maybe a page with just 1 input box (to search) and a checkbox form next to all of the above search engines. it will search for what you want inside every search engine checked and bring up a page similar to the Y! and G page.
  16. desktop, around the average prices $600-$1000
  17. well i was agreeing with you if that didnt happen nothing else, along the stor, would happen, theywould be mere aquaintences, or just friends
  18. well then a more accurate question would be: what do MOSTly decided as best, HN or KL
  19. well hes doing a good job of learning english, we can understand what he says, so dont worry, you'll get better.
  20. and they put in a Bugatti-built W16 engine with 967bhp inside oprah, when they realised they could fit 3 more in her they
  21. is that so hard? 2+6=8 your letting the easiest ones slide! 2*6 != 9
  22. well most other "secrets" are obvious becauser you can see what happened before and after, and just tie in the middle with obvious logic. but they probably did it to get intrest in viewers and because maybe the rest of the show is boring except for key points.
  23. yes they are so this was about 49 forums and now about spam and rules
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