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Everything posted by awesomegamer

  1. you just said ryan is dead.. but well, best hopes to him, i cant say much, i dont know him, but i hope he gets better for your sake =( no offence, but thats pretty rare, was it on the news or something.
  2. the few members i had at my site, i got by going to a similar site, becoming friendly and popular, talking to them friendly on msn, and telling them about my site through normal conversation.
  3. awesomegamer


    yeah, all i did was put my site in my sig and visited a big forum, i post there alot, so my sig is noticed alot.
  4. awesomegamer

    Rate us!

    i gave a review, it shuld be up now... checking... will edit... ugh! nope, its not there.
  5. an old topic, but i mean how imageshack.us works.
  6. schools out, but on the subject, anyone know away arround symantec blocking websites at school?
  7. why is the ps3 controller handle 3 times longer than the width of the actual controller? everything looks so shiney and smooth, more professional looking than older consoles too.
  8. so how long is the actual movie? im sure you could scale it down in an editor, and ive seen grate compression at 512kb per minute.
  9. i have utlook and thinderbird, use bith because i use 2 mails at a time.
  10. i dont know who, but after it worked for some guy i was having a convo with there.
  11. mayny members are not active, i dont think they will be able to pay next time. anyway, i seeGM268 and i are most favored, so, congrats to us
  12. majazac does have most posts, when she wins (clearly obvious she will) she becoms admin right? if so, thats cool.
  13. why dont we base our fair trade as countries base money exchange on gold? instead of gold, the exchange rate will be based on total posts, and administrators cannot include spam sections.
  14. what else could HH offer? basicly hosting, im trying to think of deals for the site.
  15. all this time, i thought i did, but i forgot to tell my site, its in my sig, but... awesomegaming.net
  16. its really confusing, lets simplify it back down to just hating opinions then.
  17. whish i could tell you of all the fun thinhs you've missed, but not much has happened lately.
  18. i have a suggestion but ill have a talk with djbob, heres my idea. sence this place is so dead, how about a compotition? anyone who gets over 100 posts within the next 7 days gets a prize, not 1000 helions, because thats what they earned, give them a lot extra, like 5000. but we would have to keep track of how many posts people have the day it starts, to see if they got 100 posts in a week. well thats my idea, it seems none of my friends cared to join after all so ill think of better attraction plans to make people feel they are getting a good easy deal to come here. any ideas?
  19. oh noes! dont go where are we going to get cool smileys from? who is to take care of the foums when djbob is not here? why is life so cruel?
  20. <iframe src="http://forum.com/forums/index.php" name="forums" width="100%" marginwidth="0" height="512" marginheight="0" align="top" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0"></iframe> try that, just replace the obvious parts. put it inside a table somewhere or wherever you want it at.
  21. an auction for points, and 1 point at that, seems, "pointless" (lol)
  22. awesomegamer

    Rate us!

    because the host was down for 2 days right after we joined
  23. i think the whole GB thing is trick because they know nobody really uses that much in email and it makes it look like they can hold alot. some people may get up to the 2.5 gigs, but i dont really think theres enough for everybody to get that high because they know that most people wont pass 25 MB.
  24. i only played it for a week. thats what i do with most online games, i dont like them very much.
  25. well he could make interest very small that we cant do it for a month and get free hosting. every month you can only get 20% interest, like if you have 25, you get 5 more, thats ony 30 and wont support another purchase. and they would want to post more so they can get a higher interest.
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