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wolstech last won the day on December 20

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  • Birthday May 17

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  1. Krydos can cancel this for you.
  2. For MySQL you can enable it yourself in Plesk (it's done by editing the database user, there's an option near the bottom for remote access). It's only postgres that needs an admin to do it.
  3. The only difference in the two is the payment model, the actual hosting service is the same. As with all things around here, there's no timeline for when will be releasing a subscription version of Morty since we're all volunteers and don't know when it will be finished.
  4. The prepay you put money in the account up front and the money is used as you go. The regular (subscription) Morty has a recurring charge to your paypal account at the end of each month to pay the bill instead of paying us up front and using the credit over time. This plan isn't available yet.
  5. That's pretty much it. The more you use the more you pay. Right now, Morty is only offered as a prepaid plan. You add money to the account up front, and the cost of the services are deducted each month as you use it. The first 10k CPU and 100GB RAM each day are included in the base rate of $1/month, so if you never go above 10k CPU or 100GB RAM on any day during a month, your account will only cost $1 for that month. The overage rates above apply for usage in excess of those limits. If the account runs out of money, it moves itself back to Tommy (and if it's overusing, gets suspended for high load). Load is calculated the same way it is in Tommy and Johnny, sampled every 60 seconds and summed up over a 24 hour period. You can view your load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/
  6. I see an internal server error for the scripts on your account, not a 503. The test.py works fine. What are you trying to execute? Also, keep in mind for Python that the script must have a shebang line, must use unix line endings and, at minimum, must be coded to emit a content type header in order for it to not throw an error. The errors in your logs are "End of output before headers", which suggests the code is either not coded to send headers, or is crashing before it can do so (though there's often other errors shown if that's the case...). Your files are also missing their shebang lines.
  7. Invision manages its own robots.txt, and there doesn't appear to be an option to exclude a single forum without using the custom config option instead of the IPB recommended. I'd do that, but I'm not sure if custom rules replace the default ones or just be added to them. That said, Google can't index email support anyway because it cannot sign in, and just gets an access denied error if it tries to go in there. Preventing search indexing of that forum is the main reason it's hidden. Also, even if I set up custom robots rules in IPB, I'm not even sure the robots.txt even does anything in our environment since IPB puts it in /index/ instead of in the domain root: https://helionet.org/index/robots.txt
  8. The task scheduler is jailed to your home folder by design for security reasons. You can't call binaries as a result. The typical workaround is to call the file via URL option instead.
  9. Email received here: https://helionet.org/index/topic/63163-hh336493-cance-vps67/?do=getNewComment
  10. It’s already set to be invisible to guests…only logged in users can see that forum.
  11. Your account jenfull3 was already unsuspended. The website on that account gebu8f.com is working for me. If you're still seeing a suspended page, please clear your cache.
  12. Your load is due to using Wordpress. This is probably the number one cause of load suspensions on the free plans here at HelioHost. Please see this: https://wiki.helionet.org/misc/wordpress If you're unable to fix the load (or don't want to worry about fixing the load), you can also switch to Morty instead to prevent your site from being suspended. Morty is not free, but has no load restrictions or activity requirements. It charges you a monthly fee starting at $1, and the price just increases when resources are overused instead of suspending you. If you want to do that, simply log into https://heliohost.org/dashboard/ and select the option to move your account. This was the load chart for your account. The period of no load between 2000 and 0900 is the time you were suspended. You can view your own load here: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/load/
  13. Krydos can do this for you.
  14. If you want to use CF, then you need to create A and AAAA records pointed to the server IPs in cloudflare. The IPs for your account can be seen in Plesk or are also shown in the output of the testing I did above.
  15. Yeah we have to turn off the automatic renewals for the domain on our side. Just removing the cert won't work because it will simply try to reissue it. I've turned off the automatic certificate renewals for the domain activescaffold.eu, and installed a webmail-only certificate for you. When the 90 days is up, simply reissue the cert manually and select only the webmail option.
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