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wolstech last won the day on March 6

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  1. Yes. If you delete your own account, you can recreate it yourself by signing into it and entering your email when prompted. You'll see a screen like the attached picture when you sign into a deleted account. A user can contact support if they would like the record fully deleted so the account cannot be recreated. Note that even if you contact support to delete an account completely, our system retains logs that include the account information and the history of the account such as payments/donations made against the associated email address, suspension history, and domain changes. Such data is retained for compliance and abuse prevention reasons and cannot be removed.
  2. What error message do you see when you try uploading files?
  3. Domain changed. It can take up to two hours for everything to work...
  4. You're suspended for having more than one account. Users are only allowed to have one account (except on Morty). Please see this topic where the other account in the pair also requested unsuspension.
  5. MariaDB is an open source fork of MySQL and should run all the same software and scripts. Try running your script using Maria DB and it’ll probably work
  6. He is VPS113.
  7. Krydos can check on your VPS for you.
  8. That email just got flagged as spam because your test email mentions Nigeria and large sums of money in the body of the email. Nearly all spam comes from Nigeria or similar countries, and mentions large sums of money (typically claiming you owe a fee to collect it). Looking at the contents of the email, I would agree with it's classification as spam. I would suggest you not send this as it's currently written. If this is the sort of content you plan to be sending, I would recommend removing the entire section mentioning countries and money. It also looks like the server might be blacklisted. Pretty common when we get an abusive user sending spam or phishing emails. The site mentioned doesn't want to give me any information now about what exactly is blocked. I click the submit button after entering the IP and nothing happens. I'll ask about this one in the staff channel...
  9. 884M worth of files in your home folder. Note that the 884M above does not include non-file data, like logs, databases, emails, or Plesk backups.
  10. The subscription limit was showing 100 in Plesk even though our system showed 1000. I've resynced the two so it's actually 1000 again. Also, it looks like SPF and DKIM were either removed or never set up. DKIM, SPF, and DMARC have been set up for the domain covireus.helioho.st and covireus-api.helioho.st. We recommend sending a test email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ to make sure that everything is set up correctly. If you get less than a 10/10 score please post a link to the full report so we can help you fix any other issues that there may be.
  11. DKIM, SPF, and DMARC have been set up for the domain pinahouse.heliohost.us. We recommend sending a test email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ to make sure that everything is set up correctly. If you get less than a 10/10 score please post a link to the full report so we can help you fix any other issues that there may be.
  12. -0.499 FROM_SUSPICIOUS_NTLD From abused NTLD -0.001 FROM_SUSPICIOUS_NTLD_FP From abused NTLD -1.725 PDS_OTHER_BAD_TLD Untrustworthy TLDs URI: nilijua.xyz (xyz) That failed because .xyz domains are blacklisted by pretty much everyone. Their #1 use is spam and abuse. There is no fix for that other than buying a domain with a normal TLD like .com or .net. -1.985 PYZOR_CHECK Similar message reported on Pyzor (https://www.pyzor.org) https://pyzor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Please test a real content, test Newsletters will always be flagged by Pyzor Adjust your message or request whitelisting (https://www.pyzor.org) Because it's a test email. You need to send a real email, not just "Test"
  13. There's tons of them in there, but this one looks to be more relevant as a 500 error for a POST to /display: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/webProject/data/geneExpressionLevels.csv', referer: https://myogenesis.net/ That path is never going to work because its looking in the server root. The correct path needs to be /home/debug99.helioho.st/myogenesis.net/data/geneExpressionLevels.csv
  14. Here's the actual space used in your home folder as seen from the command line: root@tommy [/home/hostmysiteplease.helioho.st]# du -h --max-depth=1 . 0 ./httpdocs 3.8M ./logs 4.0K ./harlemtechnologies.com 232M ./conarim.com 224M ./dhamira.co.ke 286M ./waa.co.ke 139M ./nilijua.xyz 104K ./.trash 16K ./private 12K ./.composer 884M .
  15. DKIM, SPF, and DMARC have been set up for all domains on your account. We recommend sending a test email to https://www.mail-tester.com/ to make sure that everything is set up correctly. If you get less than a 10/10 score please post a link to the full report so we can help you fix any other issues that there may be. domains
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