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Everything posted by /\/\/\/

  1. probably not. that thing was a failue. maybe it will have positional rumbling, like if you got hurt on the left, the left half of the controller would rumble. that'd be cool.
  2. true. i've heard they're saving the best for last. kinda hard to imagine what it might be though...
  3. that's excactly why nintendo waited. they knew someone would steal this great idea,and lo and behold someone has. i hope they sue. those guys would deffinately deserve it.
  4. i saw on AotS today something for the pc that was very similar the the rev controller and the nunchuck attachment that they were using for the pc. i'm not sure sure who made it, but they totally ripped nintendo off!
  5. i know the 6th is shorter than the 5th, but i don't know by how much.
  6. um... we already have a topic for this.
  7. let's get back on track. Harry Potter is not evil and has nothing against the Bible. it was a little shorter than book five. did that dissapoint anyone? a little for me.
  8. i think the controller would deffinately bring out a new audience. whenever non-gamers look at a controller, they worry about screwing up buttons and difficult combos. to them its like "ok, doulbe x, y up L, R4 then LMNOP really quick". its confusing for them. but anybody can use a tv remote. and it's easier to understand "a quick flick to the right."
  9. look man, it's just a fictional book. emphasis on the fictional. its not like its a conspiracy, gaining support to overthrow God. that's just stupid.
  10. can we please get back on topic? i don't know how many times i've tried to already...
  11. are you kidding? i wouldn't have been able to live without simultanious 4-player.
  12. i think i read somewhere that the rev will have a dvd player, but you buy it separately. that way, you don't have to pay a high price for features you don't need (like the psp (myscnnm don't blow your top i'm just making a point)). it won't have hd, bu then again, who needs it? if you really appreciate games for being games, then you'd just like 'em for gameplay. and myscnnm, did you say 7 controllers? a bit of an odd number, but i suppose it makes up for all these years with just two, but deffinately not for ruining all my third party multiplayer games. (only two people able to play at once? where's the fun?!)
  13. so what do you guys think would be the coolest to play with the controller? deffinately zelda for me.
  14. it better have spell check too . knowing nintendo they'll probably come out with an awesome online system as well. nintendo never settles for anything but the best.
  15. Disturbing you say? How so? as in how the hell will harry potter ever be the same again.
  16. double post?! he should be sued for redundancy! and rev all the way.
  17. and you can't question the wise
  18. and you wonder why we support nintendo . actually, i guess we don't have the same reassons. nintendo has plenty of support; we just like the games.
  19. No. I want the one with the BEST games .
  20. the game, or the work out part?
  21. if no one gives a bleep about nintendo, then why the bleep do you think i'm here?! anyway, like i've already said, the only one's not interested in the revolution are not gamers, blinded by the media, or extremely stubborn. everyone except these type (and i've found like, 2 excluding myscrnnm ii) are WAY excited about it. i've heard countless people saying they'll switch from the 360 or pee s 3 to the revolution.
  22. it'll work out in the end. always have, always will.
  23. anyway, sony and microsoft are going into the same rut that happened in the 80's. games didn't change. nintendo saved our butts then and they'll do it again.
  24. lol that's awesome!
  25. and you still haven't answered my question.
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