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Everything posted by /\/\/\/

  1. Not everyone (excluding me) is a tasteless Nintendo fanboy. I know quite a few people other than me who use the PSP mobile entertainment system. just because someone likes nintendo doesn't mean you need to call us 'fanboys' or tasteless. as a matter of fact, those who can't find enjoyment in nintendo's games are the tasteless one's. they think they need blood and high graphics. these rarely have an effect on the game anyway. besides, you ask two guys which is better :gameplay or graphics, and one says gameplay and the other graphics, it's an easy choice to figure out which one values games for what they are. sorry if i got off topic, i'm just tired of him dissing people because they like nintendo.
  2. no, i don't. can you at least try to make an arguing statement?
  3. um... what does that mean
  4. it was, wasn't it? now half of america is waiting hands on knees for it.
  5. not much of an argueing statement.
  6. so.. which villain is it? i didn't find that anywhere...
  7. well, my super nintendo crashes if it vibrates, but its old. what dyou expect?
  8. to make things easier: up, down, left, right, front back. in other words: true 3D.
  9. they're virtually the same except for better graphics. some games on the 360 play just like their N64 predecesors.
  10. if you liked the original, then you'll LOVE melee. easy as that.
  11. i know . i couldn't live without melee.
  12. behold! IGN's top ten list of why not to buy the xbox 360 and wait for the rev! (some of these reasons would work very well against the ps3 as well). i will sum up the reasons underneath the reasons. #10. Limited Funds and Quantities c'mon. we all know this. chances are high you won't get one in time for christmas, even if you did pre-order. you might not even get one by june. #9. Same Games, Prettier Graphics same thing i've been saying for forever. these games could practically play on the 64 if it weren't for spectacular graphics. quote"Perfect Dark Zero, for example, plays a lot like Perfect Dark (N64) with significantly enhanced visuals. Madden 360 plays like Madden, but it looks more lifelike. Are we still impressed? Sure. But is it enough to warrant a new, pricy console? Perhaps not." end quote. #8. 360 Doesn't Have Legend of Zelda no brainer. zelda rocks, and you can't beat that. not only do they talk about zelda, but also the other nintendo mascots like mario and donkey kong. ou can't beat the classics. #7. Girls and Grandpas Will Play Revolution sure, few of us will care about this. but what about the guys who want to play with their girlfriends or grandpas? i can tell you one thing. the xbox 360 freakin scares 'em. unless you got a tomboy girlfriend or a really young granpap, it ain't gunna happen. #6. Metroid Prime 3 why not put this under zelda too? simple. it'll revolutionize the fps market. quote"Halo 3 may be the most anticipated FPS of all time, but we will guarantee you this right now: Metroid Prime 3 is going to absolutely eclipse it where control is concerned." end quote. #5. Revolution Will Be a Lot Cheaper you could be brain dead and figure that out. for the 360 he sysem, online, games, controllers and all that is gunna cost you around $1,000. that stuff for the rev might be around $500 for the rev. and when it comes to casual gamers, guess which one is more appealing? #4. True Backward Compatibility sure the 360 is 'backwards compatible'. with limited games. hundreds of them won't work on the 360. besides, the rev won't only play cube games but you can download games from nintendo's 20-some years of making games. hello?! retro-gamers rejoice! #3. Revolution is Small, Stylish, and Quiet the 360 is huge and freakin loud. your neighbors would complain about the noise if your tv's on mute. meanwhile the rev is said to have barely any sound coming off it. like it's not even there. #2. Super Smash Bros. Online you know it sounds fun. the biggest fighting game of all time online. if melee was so popular, imagine what playing it online would be like. pure fun. #1. The Controller Will Change Everything duh. that's the biggest point on the rev. no more clumsy anolog sticks, but pure 3d. the possibilities of the controller are limitless. see herefor the full article. see herefor IGN's top ten reasons why to buy the 360. after reading these two articles you should be able to decide for yourself which is better, but i think the one for the rev holds more water.
  13. not really. it's made in game cartriges that you plug in like a normal game. then instead of playing a game you watch the movie. way easier than having to make a different drive all together...
  14. i've played it. pointless, yet extremely addictive. take my advice and don't let it run your life.
  15. some of the games on there do look cool, but i've voted against it. studies have shown frequest 360 crashes on and offline, and i hate to play a game that is constantly crashing.
  16. You're okay with me . watch out for myscrnnm though, he'll have your head...
  17. the books are always better, especially when they're super-long. i expect they had to take alot of the good stuff out of the movie, bbut i still hope to see it.
  18. still, third party publishers are in love with the thing. i think they'd tough it out to see their games on the rev anyway.
  19. still, recharging would be easier than having to buy more batteries all the time. i mean, that'd get expensive.
  20. here's some posts at a ps3 fan site that i think myscrnnm might be interested in: and then there's the mindless with no real arguement: and the one who proves it these came directly for a sony fan site site regarding the next-gen competition. of course, its not very active, so these are all the posts. you see myscrnnm, nintendo isn't bad. you're pretty much the only one who seems to think so. besides that idiot who couldn't argue for beans.
  21. it pretty much is. but that is to be expected as people have been copying nintendo since who knows when. and now that i get a closer look at the banana, it looks way more uncomfortable than i ever imagined. and here's all these people dissing nintendo for the rev. my god look whose talking.
  22. if anyone does it, it'll be Nintendo.
  23. i'm pretty sure i read something about that at ign. they also said that all sony and microsoft are doing is throwing out big numbers to impress people instead of focusing more on the games. edit:here we go i found something: linkie there's also some good replys from readers that'd even humble myscrnnm (maybe (quote them and give it a try))
  24. that's no good. it'll all be 'better graphics' or 'more capabilities' or something non-game related. and i just want to throw out something: why does the psp even need all these extra compartment's and stuff for movies and music, when they could just be inserted in a normal game disc? i mean, the gameboy did. this is one reason why i say it has too much extra crap. it's like buying a microwave, a stove, and an oven when you only really need one. that's why most foods can be cooked in any of these.
  25. if you already have wireless controllers you're probably used to it .
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