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Everything posted by /\/\/\/

  1. ah. this would be the 'josh' i've heard about.
  2. linkinn park W/O JC.
  3. ^^ wol that's kind of a dumb reason.
  4. /\/\/\/


    doesn't sound to bad, but it doesn't have too big of a range...
  5. he yelled 'no more predators' and the penguins all dived into the ocean to get food without the worry of being eaten. they were all eaten. he felt proud, but was then sent to court for genocide.
  6. that is so cool! and yet highly accurate... lol.
  7. lol. that's what everyone tell's me. i guess it might be because when i was younger, i was a huge pokemon fan (who wasn't?). i put them into comics. that's how i started. now, many years later, i have this turtle character with a messed up tail. i don't know why i don't just take it off. i'm still trying to come up with a story for it...
  8. its a natural part of life...
  9. i agree. i think people give him too much crap. and i think we had to do something on the terorism thing. what happened to afganistan anyway?
  10. yeah. what makes it worse is that its pronounced like a girl's name. even worse: my mom's name is Renae. oooh! got shivers!
  11. however, the south pole was covered in greedy penguins. this caused the monkey a problem.
  12. thanks ! i shall uphold this duty and its responsibilities, however few comedy has .
  13. i normally don't talk behind people's backs, but this kid is that annoying. he's in my grade, mexican, and seems to think he's cool. anyway, he won't leave me and my friends alone. he thinks he's our best friend or something. yeah right. he talks to us like he's known us his whole life. he hasen't. then he seems to like to bump into you and he looks down at you like he does all the girls. its really disturbing... wow. this thing still isn't off my chest. maybe i'll go yell it at my neighbor or something...
  14. man, i've been trying to type spanish forever. how do you do it?
  15. i've seen reviews and stuff for it on tv. looks alright. deffinately better than the first.
  16. i guess we'll never know for sure. i'm using firefox, but otherwise i'm staying out of this vote.
  17. but the monkey was so full from eating the last one, he decided to hide it somewhere.
  18. Chameleonman P.T. vs. the birds_1 P.T. vs. the birds_2&3 P.T. vs. the birds_4&5 Steve and Larry Star Wars Other Monkey number 4 Well, maybe not YOU... How to use "The Force" I've posted these on a few other sites and thought you guys might like to see them. all are original comics made and owned by me. Everyone i know whose read them liked them, so i thought i should let you guys see too. feel free to ask questions. /\/\/\/ comics forever!
  19. well it took me long enough to get here. first, my first e-mail thing screwed up. then i resent. saw a topic saying the old place was closed, came here, and had to sign up all over again. oh well, glad to be here! and djbob, i know its exciting and all, but do we really need TWO topics on this?
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