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Everything posted by /\/\/\/

  1. a kid like you shouldn't even be thinking about that kind of stuff. the kitties are cute though...
  2. nah people wouldn't say that. they'd go back to calling it a 'nintendo' like the old days, or say 'i'm going to play red steel' or something.
  3. considering it sounds just like 'we'...
  4. i'd say probly a good rental.
  5. they got alot of ideas from mario 64.
  6. [bleeped!] no. the ds is the handheld, the wii is the system.
  7. i heard it's really awesome at first, but then it turns out all the levels are practically the same. it gets repetitive.
  8. sorry, i meant to quote vanarith.
  9. no, he just didn't bother to read previous posts.
  10. i would have liked it alot more if it included more from the book. it just left out way too much of the conversations that explained things...
  11. it's not out yet.
  12. hey, it plays good and that's all i care about.
  13. i believe we know now, and if you haven't noticed it's been a month since anyone posted in this topic.
  14. i just got it this weekend and it's SWEET! it's classic mario with 3d elements and what-not, deffinately a must for your retro gamer!
  15. who knows how the inner workings of nintendo work...
  16. you guys talk waaaaaaaaaaay too much...
  17. Wii. that's the name. The Nintendo Wii. Pronounced 'we'. a little odd i'll admit. the news was just anounced this morning. why was it named that? and if you put in 'we' for 'wii', it almost sounds like a conspiracy or something... discuss the new name here. do you like it or not. why. etc. Source
  18. i'd do it just to finally test my knowlegde, but i can't. i'm not much of a live chat guy, and currently the only places i can get online have banned chat rooms. if it were a test, instead of a challenge i would gladly take it. when you're done pm me the question so i can try to answer them. you don't have to give me anything if i were to do good.
  19. Ubisoft's a good company. even if red steel bombs, they'd keep at it.
  20. good point. i never thought of that. and although my money is on high success for the rev, we can't be sure of anything quite yet.
  21. too much for almost anyone's tastes. anyone with a ps3 will be know as either the rich kid or the crazy kid that sold his car for one.
  22. HOORAY! i just like how they're taking mario as he's changed and put him back. so now we got cool 3d enemies and stuff from 64 and sunshine. it's awesome
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