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Everything posted by /\/\/\/

  1. i want to bring the subject back to light for a sec. i've heard that twilight princess may come out after the revolution. if it does, will you play it one the revolution, or the cube? or will you just wait to see how it will be played on the cube? one things for certain: it WILL be released on the cube, whether the revolution is out or not.
  2. quit calling it the gaycube, pervert. what do you have against nintendo anyway?
  3. its too easy to master is the problem. easy stuff gets boring. not to mention sometimes its unresponsive... and yes. the virtualboy was a failure.
  4. well, you never know when someone might be doing research on it when they don't have it. we don't wanna spoil anything!
  5. shhhh! no secrets!
  6. we know . just take some time to think on this one, okay? it looks like it'll be alot of fun!
  7. yeah, green day is cool. boulevard of broken dreams rocks :yay: !
  8. i saw it. its good, but i think my comedy gene was turned off. i didn't laugh as much as i thought i should. i know i didn't cause my dad laughed almost the entire time.
  9. I agree on most parts . i beat MM, WW, almost all the gameboy ones, loved OoT, even though i really never played it (just watched)(i got it though, so i'm gonna beat it when i find time.). i have all the games except for link's awakening and the original. i even play WW every now and then. i''m addicted to figurine collecting . anyway, some people seem to think that the whole turning into a wolf thing might damage the gameplay, but i think it might really enhance it. it reminds me alot of MM. i for one love that game. i guess its mostly because i'm drawn in to side-quests really easy. anyway, it's just gonna be an interesting plot twist that will add on to the experience. anyway (again), i'm still going nuts over the game. i'm also gonna change the topic title.
  10. *leaves* *comes back with a dead purple monkey glued to his head* don't ask.
  11. okay, okay, i used to be a pokemon mega-fan too, but we're getting a little off topic here. let's get back on track.
  12. Really? its working just fine on my end. maybe there's something wrong with your computer
  13. okay its DEFFINATLEY been a while, and i have a new comic up honoring a complete star wars saga. its under other.
  14. always has been. they're some of zelda's key traits and their what i play 'em for .
  15. *looks at djbob* *puts a pot on djbob's head* *continues to drink*
  16. *gives him a monopoly board game* 'get yurself sumthin nice with the change'
  17. What's the 411? 411
  18. i think that would be im_me_get_over_it. and no, prodigy. what on this God given planet gave you that idea.
  19. They've updated the game site with new pics and the E3 movie! check it out here:http://www.nintendo.com/newsarticle?articleid=6213a16b-ac80-4b2f-9be7-acf95864de9f or you could go to nintendo.com. you'll find a link pretty quick OMG THIS GAME'S GONNA BE SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111GEEKINOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111ELEVENTY-ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. *gets an idea* *puts on the badge* *walks into the police station* 'boy do i need a beer...' police chief: 'tell me about it'
  21. That's going to be my brothers once i get a car .
  22. lol! funny .
  23. Ha! That's funny!
  24. *Looks at the cop* 'So... no live entertainment tonight?'
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