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Everything posted by majazac

  1. i like Windows XP... hey, after i intalled SP2 i got a weird security issue... Can anyone help me? I can't open none of the things that i receive through MSN or any attached file through Outlook Express cuz WXP blocks them telling that is not safe to open. That happens with images, documents, videos, everything. What can i do?
  2. russian family??? nice... have you ever been in Russia?? Do you know russian traditions???
  3. agree that Ericsson may be one of the pioneers... but i don't like thir phones. even after the merge with sony i still don't like the design and they break to easily.
  4. sure that the problem is the conservative people. And a republican in power doesn't help. At the moment, not even democratics would do that, cuz would be to lose lots of voters. It's gonna take a while till US have enough maturity and less religion to accept that
  5. nice one. i like this cartoons...
  6. Ok, maybe copying isn't the real term. Let's say inspired by. It's a fact that Nitendo is the best console manufacturer
  7. thats so good to do... my sis did it with people talking in french... except that she understood what they were saying. they were talking bad about the service of the store that she was working on... you only know "do svidaniya"?? that i know too... i watched Anastasia, you know...
  8. erm... bad for you?
  9. bad? or good? i need references...
  10. russian? you surprise me daily, HL
  11. cars in the street... but hoping to sson hear the 'Lunch" yell... lol
  12. if you really like the artirts you'll buy the cd
  13. i don't know why forbit it... they want, they chose, they do it... and yes it's legal in Netherlands
  14. majazac

    Name Change

    Aye too!!!
  15. it was fine but no extraordinary... rather watch Shrek
  16. i like nokia and siemens
  17. Don't use caps on i still like the democratic party
  18. really nice game
  19. i just love the show!!!! is great and makes you wanna wathc the next... my favo is Sawyer... he's the best
  20. Rock is nice... Just love Simple Plan
  21. Mario Puzo's The Godfather
  22. DON'T USE CAPS!!!!!!!!
  23. my mother language is portuguese and i speak french and english...
  24. dude, don't use caps or big letters
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