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Everything posted by Jeremy93

  1. It's working now, also I got a reply from Cloudflare: Do you think at that moment it was a temporarily IP block or routing problem? but it was quite strange as only 1 css style sheet could not load while the rest loaded just fine.
  2. Hi would it be possible for Helio to completely whitelist all cloudflare IPs? I'm having some problem accessing one of my sites through one of cloudflare server i'm guessing the IP got auto blocked by stevie because of too many request made by the location server (definitely not just from my site as i don't get alot of visitors) for other users sites also. https://www.cloudflare.com/ips/ 2400:cb00::/32 2405:8100::/32 2405:b500::/32 2606:4700::/32 2803:f800::/32 2c0f:f248::/32 2a06:98c0::/29 Thanks!
  3. Hi, Can any admin please check if there are any backups to one of my database which was unfortunately effected by the InnoDB crash. cPanel Username: jeremy93 Hosted Server: Stevie Database Name: jeremy93_primesquad3 Database used for: Wordpress + custom tables. If there is a backup can it please be restored and converted to MyISAM. Thanks
  4. I've completely removed the scripts which i suspect was causing the load. The only stuff i'm running now are basic php site and wordpress sites, It should be okay right?
  5. Based on the above, you are the heaviest user on Stevie by a significant amount. This amount of load causes a rather large impact in the other thousand plus users on Stevie. Are you ready to fix the cause of this? I'll unsuspend you when you say you are ready. If you get suspended again for load, you will likely not be unsuspended a third time. If you need help to locate the source of the load, let us know. Krydos can tell you what file caused it. Yes i think i know what is the problem and am ready to fix it.
  6. HeliHost Username: jeremy93 Server: stevie Main domain: jeremy93.heliohost.org Hi, I got suspended again. can i know what is the reason for this time suspension? Thanks
  7. There is an error in the tab Reputation on the User Profile Page.
  8. Thanks for the information. Usually when Stevie automatically suspends an account is it permanent or temporarily? If it's temporarily how does it calculate the amount to give to a suspension? I only ask because i see there is a Suspended for ~4 hours. notice there, just wondering how it calculates.
  9. Is today's load the same as yesterday's load or lower?
  10. Thanks. Can i please know which file or script that is causing the high load for my account so i can make changes?
  11. Username: jeremy93 Server: Stevie Main Domain: jeremy93.heliohost.org Hi, can i know why i was suspended? I don't run any cron job or send alot of e-mails. Been with you guys for almost 4 years now.
  12. Hi, The MySQL server has been crashing more frequently in the pass few months can and admins please check it out to see what or who is causing it to crash and try to comeout with some solution to fixed it? Thank You! Jeremy John
  13. Hi guys, I would like to find know what is the best refresh rate to set for an ajax shoutbox so that is does not overload the server? I'm using MyShoutbox for MyBB forum board and the default refresh rate setting is 15 seconds. Thanks Jeremy
  14. Hi, I have a quick question Does stevie support vBulletin 4.2 system? Is there any MySQL connection limit? Thanks Jeremy
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