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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. That didnt bother me, it was the controller. I've been always trying to figure out which stick I should be on each time I put in a game.
  2. With people like myscrnnm, people who want a media center, people who dont care about graphics vs. gameplay, "hardcore" gamers, and just plain stupid people will keep sony's gaming quadrant occupied.
  3. Well, I've got a grand worth of inventories in waiting for payment, this just might warrent the buying of a DS!
  4. Shots are kinda small, but those graphics are sweet! From what I've seen of the 360, I cant believe they needed so much freaking power in it to produce the graphics it did. Lets all just hope the low-ish specs dont mean loading times from hell.
  5. I think the codename should be kept as the name. Isnt that what microsoft did with the xbox? Anyways, I'm not all that worried about the low processing speeds. The GC's graphics etc. werent that bad at all compared to the over-powered xbox and ps2. Plus, imagine how much quicker an emulator could potentially be developed because of the lower requirements. I absoulutly believe with everything i've got that the controller will blow the ps2 and xbox out of the water in the creativity and usefullness department, and because of that people will buy the revolution in addition to another console instead of exclusivly apart from another. Nintendo is operating on a whole different level this time, and I expect it to kick butt accross the board.
  6. 1437 Good, for a second I thought a butt-whuppin was in order
  7. Not much homie, just kickin it on the west sieede
  8. ditto
  9. Compare to HerLoss's record? I cant decide if that's a complement or diss... Anyways, good riddance. Maybe I shall return to KL as well...
  10. 1435 What, we cant attribute any of it to my dissapearence? I feel so not missed
  11. I recently DL'd it, crappy telesync, havnt watched it yet. So not worth the cash to go see it?
  12. It doesnt cause pain, just discomfort. Think about getting shot in the arse with a lead bb, then cut that pain in half about twenty times. It doesnt hurt at all.
  13. I got a mini uzi for around the house. Good for shooting at the cats when they're scratching my bed or something. Couple short bursts of plastic bbs in the behind and they're outta there.
  14. Yeah, he was, but djbob apparently wont ban him for making multiple accounts... dunno why.
  15. You can get a good pistol for like 10 or 20 bucks in Cheaper Than Dirt, rifles are between 50 and 100. Ammo's really cheap too.
  16. And while Mario Kart DS is known all over for being a great game, ATV Offroad Fury is not very well know, and the few times I've heard about it or read about it it got horrible reviews and people just hate it.
  17. Get a decent airsoft gun and buy a bunch of paintball bbs. You arent technically playing paintball, you're playing airsoft with paint-splatter bbs.
  18. Carnival - The Pillows
  19. Oh heck... 1401
  20. heh, thats what I do in physics... i wish we had programming courses. Theres only so much you can teach yourself out of books, and if you dont understand something, youre sol.
  21. lol, we dont have those either. We DO have Mac Applications, which is basically learning about how to use the mac versions of word, powerpoint, excel, etc. [bleeped!] that was boring... I did the whole class in a week and spent the rest of the semester sleeping.
  22. All we did was take apart a computer, figure out what everything was, put it back together, and install different OS's. It was an entire semester course, so we spent most of the time playing Doom and Counter Strike on computers we made out of the "better" parts, and playing MTG on the floor.
  23. I wish they would stop doing that. I got a 99 instead of a 100 in basic comp hardware freshmen year cuz for the final there was some obscure uber-old pci-style slot on a motherboard that I didnt know what the hell it was. Eh... Just read PC World's take on it. Yeah, 4GB/s is pretty sweet, but there arent any cards that are going to make any big difference. Its a cool thing to think about for the future, if they ever get to the point that AGP doesnt cut it, you could upgrade to a PCIe card that will, but right now theres no reason to go for it.
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