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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. From now on I'm putting a copyright thing in my sig so I can demand a cut if you ever make any cash off that book of yours, lol.
  2. When? And including moniter, speakers, etc.? Edit: and were you refferring to my specs or Dragonfire's? I can certainly see the 2.9G Celeron + 256MB RAM + 40G HDD for 200, but unless it was fairly recent I dont see you getting what I did for that little, even for a home-built system.
  3. Okidokie, so for the SAT on April 1st, I got a 1770. I honestly havnt a clue how good that is, or if I should take them again, if anyone wants to let me know. Critical Reading: 570 Math: 670 Writing: 530 And an 8 on my essay
  4. Yes, but sometimes plans get in the way. That's why I usually dont have any,
  5. yes, yes it would... what else could we spam about... hrmmm...
  6. much better It's amazing that I even have plans... I've been flying by the seat of my pants since I can remember.
  7. There needs to be a new james bond flick.
  8. Google maps says it's a 7-hour drive to quebec from here... and their times are based upon speed limits... so I could probobly make it in 4 or 5. Math is awesome! Everything's so structured... Just plug in the variables and go. I dunno what field I want to go into yet. I'm thinking electronics, or maybe civil engineering. That would kick butt, being a city planner.
  9. yeah, but indiana jones got boring after seeing the movies so many times, and macgyver is the next best thing.
  10. Of course I would! Yeah, it's the only thing I could think of that will allow me to use my super-cool math powers to their full extent.
  11. Stargate is allright, but MacGyver is soooo much better.
  12. Yeah, closer as in I dont have to pay a hundred bucks on a plane ticket. I was considering going to college in canada, but then I found out USM Orono has a kickarse engineering program.
  13. No way. Reruns are best watched during their scheduled times. Besides, I'm using up all my bandwidth downloading reruns of Mission Hill and MacGyver.
  14. Yay! Super close to HerLoss! And by super-close I mean I can drive their in under 15 hours.
  15. I could probobly pass out in my chair right now, but there's still good stuff on TV, so I'll be staying up. Now where'd I put that mt. dew...
  16. I dont think there's much you can do about that...
  17. Wow, I dont think I've ever grown to dislike a person in such a short period of time before... lol
  18. Yeah, it's coming up on midnight here in the next timezone. I was up untill 6am this morning, and then I had to get up at 9.
  19. That has got to be weird...
  20. Well... I guess it's kind of late... if you're a wuss. lol Go to sleep
  21. I was repeating what you said when you said "i didn't even knew that it was out yet when i got it!" And then tacking on the "my a**" part. Understand?
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