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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. I would appreciate the similar profanity being removed from http://www.helionet.org/index/index.php?sh...=30entry18496 Everyone should note what a complete waste of existance myscrnnm is.
  2. Again, [bleeped!] you too little buddy. Edit by G: I hate to fine you, but I have to =P
  3. F*uck you too there little buddy
  4. Its hard for the PSP's superiority to be obvious when the DS is outselling it.
  5. Personally, a good story line is critical of an RPG, any kind of strategy game, or action/adventure game. Thats the maine reason I dont play MMORPG's, cuz they dont offer anything for a story line. A fast paced FPS on the other hand, I could do without cutscenes, dialouge, etc. Storyline kinda killed Serious Sam 2 IMO.
  6. *begins week-long satanic curse ritual with a voodoo doll of myscrnnm*
  7. Oh no you didnt!!
  8. 1397 She was off by one
  9. 1395 Neither do you apparently. Your post should have been 94
  10. I'm posting further strips (including todays) at KL at http://forums.krazyletter.com/index.php?sh...2253?referid=16 If anyone would rather I continue posting them here, I will, but considering there is very little traffic here, this is easier for me.
  11. that all depends on what "gd" means.
  12. Especially considering nintendo has proved to completly own microsoft in the console gaming world for years, just based on the fact that microsoft didnt make consoles. That proves that they havent ALWAYS, and there isnt any way to prove that they have since.
  13. Oh come on, so many systems were overheating and crashing that home-remidies to fix the problem, such as suspending the powersupply in the air away from the system.
  14. I know I wont be getting a PS3 unless madcatz or sony decide to make a compatible controller closer to if not exactly like the dualshock.
  15. Heh, it seems that every major government except for the USA has legislation to cut down on air pollution.
  16. Ever laid on the couch watching tv, remote in hand, flipping through the channels? I can comfortably do that for hours.
  17. Most people who voted nader, and anyone else who may have been running, say their second choice was kerry, which would have won him the election. (of course, he would have won in the first place if the electoral votes werent so screwed up and the whole election wasnt so corrupt)
  18. Thats just to purchase guns in illinois. Carrying a gun around with you in a manner that no one knows you're packing requires a special permit.
  19. I never played melee much, but the original was awesome.
  20. Case in point, Bush's second election.
  21. You need a concealed weapons permit for certain knives and most handguns.
  22. Regardless, thats what the constitution says. If gun-control should be implemented, the bill of rights should be reworded to emphasise the militia aspect of the right to bear arms.
  23. Smash bros ONLINE??? That warrents waiting for the revolution all by itself.
  24. The right to bear arms is not for personal reasons at all. If you read what the constitution says, it says you have the right to bear arms in order to form a milita. The only reason you have the right to own arms is in the case of invasion, should you need to help protect the area around you.
  25. Oh, they'll say they fixed the problem. If they really do, there will be more problems stemming from their half-arsed fix, or they just wont.
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