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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. But the thought that I'm stuck here for the rest of my life, wasting my life, not being able to do something with it... that is the worst tourture. I would kill myself right now if I knew my life wouldnt amount to anything.
  2. bare hands, but the pecker was huge. Had me in a headlock, I whipped out my trusty little pocketknife (then called an illigal weapon by the idiot cop. The court later gave me my knife back) pushed him away and told him not to [bleeped!] with me. He ran off crying... It was actually quite funny.
  3. Yes, unlike a previous topic in which we already discussed who was ignorant and who wasnt. That ends here. Here is where we discuss the fact that I belive that the United States has NO RIGHT to be the world police. We based our country on the right of the people to create and control their government. Are we not going against that in telling the people of other countires that they cant have the government that they want?
  4. Well you people are talkin about either they be put to death, tourtured and then put to death, or set free. You havnt even thought about life in prison. I would much rather be put to death or even tourtured than spend my entire life in prison. That would be the ultimate tourture.
  5. I think I have already voiced my opinions on this suject elseware...
  6. Theres another thing thats got me thrown outta history class... lol.
  7. The only serious crimes commited at my school were by me and by my friend. My friend did the bigger one... lit the school on fire... lol. I just almost knifed someone when they attacked me. No crime there, but they didnt belive me... such a messed up system when I defend myself and get in trouble and the attacker walks away scott free.
  8. Well in the U.S. you decide if you want to donate your parts when you died. You get a little icon on your I.D. or liscense or w/e you have. I personally am an organ doner, provided I havnt drugged up any useful organs by the time I die.
  9. HerLoss

    Surf Junky

    Not exactly sure how they do it, but when I leave it going it stops at some ad page without the header (its always the same page) after about an hour. I've never actuallt sat and watched it for an hour moving my mouse and stuff, so I dont know if it always does this or what.
  10. My brother warned me of your ignorance. You can simply log onto an alternate account by deleting the cookies in the browser so that the site is viewed as it is seen universally. Speaking of ingornace... *ahem* You cant get in if the IP address gets banned.
  11. HerLoss

    Surf Junky

    You can choose for them to send you a check in the mail instead of paypal or w/e. Edit: P.S. They dont seem to like FireFox... supposedly people were trying to cheat using it. I had to reinstall IE cuz I had killed it to keep from using it accidentally.
  12. HerLoss

    Surf Junky

    Signin up right now! Lol. And dont think I'm doin this for HN... its all for me. lol, j/k. I actually do have a heart.
  13. Hmm... I htink he's got you there K.C. I dont see anyplace that it was really implied, and he did say that that wasnt what he thought beforehand... but regardless, theres a foum in one of the other sites I belong to called topic hell, where topics gone bad go to rest. I think that a topic hell needs to be put into effect, cuz this convorsation has gone way past anything intelligent and just needs to be gone.
  14. HerLoss


    I never read much Mark Twain... Enlighten me?
  15. And the supposed terrorists ARE iraqis, but they ARENT part of some big plan to attack the U.S. Theyre the insurgents fighting the U.S. invasion.
  16. HerLoss


    The schoolboard does some of the strangest things during storms. Most of the time when we dont have school there wasnt hardly anything, and then we have school and like 3 busses go off the road... go figure.
  17. I dont think that I have ever seen a movie that I hated, cept maybe for The Notebook... but that was just a chick flick...
  18. Thank you for the backup majazac. I sometimes feel that there is just one big conspiracy of incopetent people surrounding me, but you have shown me that there is still hope for humanity.
  19. HerLoss


    Lol, yeah, thats about what it amounted to a couple years back. We had like a month out of school due to a massive ice storm and there wasnt much left in the name of summer vacation after all the missed days were added on to the end of the year.
  20. I dont really know exactly what is in the foreign policy but I do know what is happening in foreign affairs, and those I am very unsupportive of. If they are a product of foreign policy, then I guess I'm unsupportive of it. If they want to arrest me for "sympathysing" with terrorists, they can go ahead. I dont support what they are doing, I just say that we should at least look at their reasons for their actions and not just that they attacked us. and Phoenix, blow me. I have supported everything I've said with reasoning and fact, and so has KC for the most part. If you just want to tell us that the terrorists have been in Iraq for a long time, and dont back it up with anything, dont expect to change our minds. KC's last sentence doesnt need explanation, because I just did in my last post. The "terrorists" that you keep on metioning, ARE the insurgents using terroristic modes of attack in order to protest the U.S. military occupation. YOU get YOUR facts straight.
  21. And if you think about it, terrorism is only a violent form of protest. Its goal is to change something politically or socially. I'm sure that AlQuaida had a solid reason to attack the U.S. and I'm almost positive that the terrorists/insurgents (the insurgents are the terrorists, there arent two different groups, the insurgenst are using terroristic forms of protest) are protesting the U.S. occupancy, and thats exactly what it is, an unwanted occupation.
  22. HerLoss


    No, it sucks [bleeped!]. That plus the eighty days cut out due to snow storms leaves me with like a week of summer vacation.
  23. There are no terrorists BASED in Iraq. You arent going to find a terrorists HQ in Iraq. It isnt their country. Do some god [bleeped!] research cuz I'm about to lose it. P.S. Anyone see the video of W. when he was first informed about the terrorist bombings? He didnt have a clue what to do. Then he decided that "we are going to conduct a crusade and get these people." A crusade? does that not indicate SLIGHTLY that he might just be doing this to fufill a prophecy so "jesus" can come again?
  24. Basically you work all day for the government, the government regulates what you do to a point that everyone would make the same amout of money, and then the government takes care of all your necessaries like food, shelter, etc. in exchange for your work.
  25. I had a friend who got soooo wasted on alcohol and weed and all kinds of stuff that he just passed out during the exam and they let him go... but other choices include cutting off any of your middle three fingers below the second knuckle, smoking untill you develop some bad cancer, somehow fake having asthma, and plenty others.
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