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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. I dont think that mass killings are the answer. I would say that the cutting off of medicinal items would be. That would weed out the people who arent fit to survive and keep them from passing down their weak genes
  2. HerLoss

    Proxy Optimized

    Firewalls help defend against hackers and torjans and keyloggers and stuff. It controls what programs are allowed to send and recieve informaiton throught your ports. A hacker then has to find a new port to use if the normal one is blocked, or find a way to disguise a program as one that the firewall recognises. It also disallows trojans and keyloggers from sending information out to their owners.
  3. Yeah, but there arent too many countries that like the U.S. as it is, and if we keep blowin crap up into the atmosphere that floats on over to the other countries, their gunna gang up on us and make [bleeped!] sure that we dont do it anymore.
  4. I'm all for adults hitting their children. I was hit when I was younger, but my dad figured out that some day I would be bigger than him. Now I am and he dont hit me no more. I just know too many kids who were never hit when they were younger, and they just need an [bleeped!] whooping. So i give it to them. They arent half as annoying anymore cuz they know there are consequences.
  5. It really depends on the situation and the age of the minor. Like I heard of some 5 year old that got a life sentence. What the hell? Thats their entire life down the drain! Do you really think a 5 year old has the capacity to commit a crime? I think not. But for someone like me, 16 years old, thats where it gets iffy. Yeah, I'm perfectly capable of making decisions, but I cant say how I would see it if I was on the jury trying me, cuz it is still a huge majority of my life down the drain. The way I see it, if they want to try minors as adults, they should look at it as what their mind capacity is, and change the age of majority accordingly. I'm perfectly capable of making decisions at 16, and I would much rather be an adult, but I cant be because the law says I'm not old enough to make my own decisions, enter contracts, etc. You cant try a minor as an adult if they arent legally an adult. The legal term of an adult needs to change before you can do trials that way.
  6. Well most people who are truly criminally insane(like that guy Berkowitz, or the Son of Sam, or however anyone knows him by) dont know what they are doing. They dont have the capacity to realize that they are doing wrong. Criminally insane people can plead innocent by reason of insanity. If they are found so, they are put into a sanatorium or w/e you want to call it, untill they are deemed healthy. Then they are let free. That Son of Sam guy is and has always and probobly will always be in a nut house. Plus, your plea isnt what you are. If you plead guilty, then there is no trial and your sentenced right there. If you plead innocent, there is a trial to find if you really are innocent. If you plead innocent by reason of insanity, you get some strange trial to see if your really criminally insane. You can also do the same thing with temporary insanity and try to say that you were so enraged or w/e when you commited the crime that you really didnt know you were doing.
  7. I would have thought that after the "war in iraq" thread he would realize that no one wanted to hear who he thought or was told was ignorant. Maybe he's a little slow, maybe not. I dont know, but I guess I was wrong.
  8. Yeah, but you just read the instructions for two seconds on a game and go. The buttons are always right there. Its not like I have to reach across an xbox controller to find the button I need. My fingers are always arleady on the right buttons to begin with, I just need to press down or move a half inch and press. With the N64, you dont switch between the two spots for your left hand, its one or the other. With some of these new ones you gotta change the position of your hands around the circumference of the controller just to reach the right button.
  9. I dont really like the xbox an gamecube. The controllers arent setup very well, and I have trouble rememberin where the buttons are. What happened to the old sega genesis controllers where you could hit a,b,c,x,y, and z all with one thumb, the directional pad with the other, the start and select button with either thumb, and if you had it the right and left butons with your left and right forefinger? Same with the ps, ps2, nintendo 64, even the gamboy, gameboy color, and gba. They were so easy to control.
  10. I'm all for improving the human life, and christianity isnt my religion, but I'm not all for things like this. It kinda gets in the way of natural evolution, allowing people who wouldnt have survived to live and reproduce.
  11. Well I'll probobly add onto this one for the final draft. I kinda half assed the ending just to end it if it wasnt obvious... lol.
  12. I vote sega cuz thats what I grew up on, but nintendos great to. Im just not so into the gamecube...
  13. I used to play runescape, but my computer just didnt have a fast enough processor or enough ram to run it with all my security programs, so it was extremly slow. A good online game is Tactics Arena Online, but its not exactly an MMORPG, more of a chess style game with magical creatures and stuff.
  14. Should the (legal) age of consent be eliminated? (adding on to awesomegamer's series if he wants to take credit for it.)
  15. But if you've ever watched a baby thats less than like 3 months old, its still finding out that it HAS arms and hands and stuff. How long does it take for them to find out that they themselves exist? That is what should be the debate.
  16. best grade I've got in that class. 94. but its not like I tried or even passed in any of the other projects. lol
  17. well I was listening to NPR awhile ago and they had someone on there talking about how they were protesting an AIDS victums funeral... how heartless can you get? You dont even need to be gay to get AIDS! And she was promoting this website, godhatesfags.com Now thats sick. Thats like saying "god hates [bleeped!]"!! Thats VERY offensive! So I sent them an email. No death threats (they threaten to call the FBI for all threats of physical harm) but I definitly told them that they were very sick and had no right to live. I have yet to recieve a reply. Very interesting. I hope THEY all get AIDS. Seriously, I'm wishing AIDS on them at this very moment.
  18. Working under the table is always a choice... I know that was mine. 10 bucks an hour, 40 hours a week. I think the law is only 25 hours a week or somehtin like that?
  19. My biology knowledge isnt all that up to speed. Uhh... what are T-cells? are they like, stem cells?
  20. Plus isnt the whole idea that its murder? I dont think that the pope would be too pissed off if some docters were usin antibiotics to "murder" the bacteria that was givin him w/e he happened to have at the moment.
  21. I'm all for womans choice. If she wants to have the abortion, sure, why not. If not, you shouldnt make her have one. Everyones talking about when a babies heart starts beating and all that crap, but when does it become self aware? a baby isnt even aware that it exists untill a couple months after its born. They dont know they ever existed, end of story.
  22. It was in one of the topics about the war in iraq. I said I supported hitler and the hollucaust, just thought that he was wrong in the people that he thought were inferior. That sparked a debate about genecide, about how I'm a nazi, and thigs of that nature.
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