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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. We missed you too lol.
  2. Actually, I have a lot of respect for lappy. Mainly because he (is lappy a he? I dunno...) seems to be keeping KL from going straight to hell. It may be hanging on by a thread, but still. (haha, thread, forum, pun, get it? lol.)
  3. No, not guns. He seems to be the self appointed uber-guru when it comes to guns.
  4. Well, I think my opinion is already wide known, but just for the hell of it, I think myscrnm is an unintelligent, ignorent, agressive, moron.
  5. mysnsucks!! *cough* I mean myscrnm...
  6. OMG! SHE LIVES!! :w00t:
  7. Her last post was on May 21
  8. he had one called pheonix_flame that ended in some random number. He made it right after he was banned the first time and pretended to be his brother.
  9. HINT! It pertains to HN in the not so long ago.
  10. I know! Me! Pick me!!
  11. Its him!! Oh My God Its Him!!! PREPARE THE CANNONS! CALL THE MILITA!! AHHH! IVE BEEN HIT BY THE MORONEDNESS!! go... on... without me... save... yourself...
  12. Well if he really thinks that hn is the "scourge of the net" then he couldnt stand to come back. As soon as I notice the myscrnm-ed-ness of a person, I will torment the piss out of them till they leave, I get banned, or they get banned.
  13. Well if myscrnm gets banned, then my work at kl is done... untill he gets off ban/re-registers/gets a proxie... Then I will return.
  14. what the hump did they ban you for?
  15. Oh blow me. You know I'm kidding, as thats my nature. If I werent I might explode!
  16. Dude... [bleeped!] you... Ahh... oh well. You are banned from being a poopdink untill further notice. No other consequences.
  17. I'm in... MWAHAHAHAHA! lol. thanks for reminding me of what I should have been able to remember on my own but didnt, djbob.
  18. lol, lets see if it lets me Edit: I dont see it there! :cry:
  19. When I head over, I'm already logged in (thanks to the "dont forget me" option or w/e its called), but I cant do [bleeped!]. I cant even log off to go guest or new account. I havnt tried for a couple hours, but towards the top it says I'm suspended till july fifth. w/e. My new computer should be in on monday, and new computers or os reinstallations usually get rid of auto-login options, so we'll see on monday. If I'm IP banned, you can count on my buying a proxy from here :yay: Edit: Actually, I bet its mynick, on account of I have a new pm from him that says... ... w/e the hell thats supposed to mean...
  20. I think its time for a revolution... I mean, they cant ban ALL of us... lol. wouldnt that be fun.
  21. But think wisely... you wouldnt want to put someone like me up for the job, cuz we all know I'd abuse my powers, ban people just cuz I diddnt like them, etc. Plus, if no one's notice, I'm not exactly the best rolemodel.
  22. When it comes to music, musicians dont really make that much money after they have to pay to rent a place to gig, pay to have the cd's burned, etc. So if I like the album, I usually buy it. Other stuff, like games and other software, if it costs me more than 50 bucks, [bleeped!] em. I aint payin that much.
  23. sure thing, and total it would only put me 15 away, which is only maybe 2 or 3 days worth, which isnt much compared to how much longer its gunna take.
  24. Nope, didnt say who. Well, I guess it turns out that only people with un-imaginative sn's dislike me.
  25. Lol, Ive been suspended from KL till July 5th, but I'll be back... I have a feeling it was myscrnm with a massive amount of daily bans... I get this idea from the innapropriate email I got... here it is... Yutz...
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