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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. 581 Oh well... I tried...
  2. 579 Well I could probobly get quite a bit if I sold my soul...
  3. 576 Edit: DAMMNIT! 577 lol Sooo... Uhh... How much to change your mind? *takes off like a bat outta hell*
  4. Ok, Ok, 573.
  5. *isnt going to mention just how he feels special* ... *is shutting up right now*
  6. So this should be 568, right? You heard me! lol. Just kidding... *hides*
  7. 566 So how much is this other guy paying?
  8. *feels special* lol
  9. 564 Eh?
  10. 563 All night? Dang... there goes the main part of my plan... lol.
  11. yeah yeah yeah, excuses excuses... lol. saight.
  12. EVERYBODY HATES ME!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
  13. 561 And then friday morning you'll call and make up some excuse why you cant go... lol.
  14. lol w/e...
  15. 559 Coincedence? I dont think so... what are you doin friday night? Lol. Didnt know that, but then again, I dont know a lot of things.
  16. Dont worry, your not crazy, we're all perverted assholes at heart. lol. No, probobly just me.
  17. Arent they in their 30's yet? Their too old to be a boy-band.
  18. 557 me too, the biggest being 13. People say its unlucky, but I havnt died yet! lol.
  19. and the good ol Ctrl-Alt-Del was born...
  20. 555 Gimme a call sometime... 555-5555 lol.
  21. Yeah, hes got fake credit cards and everything so he can hit up all the really strange fetish sites. lol.
  22. OMG! THE BACKSTREET BOYS!! *screams and faints*
  23. The good ol days... I remember the the old apple computers with no hard drive that ran games like lemonade and space invaders off floppy disks. Green and black... interesting color scheme
  24. And unless you want to void your warrenty and spend 10-20 minutes transferring the hard drives, good luck bringing save-games to your friends house!
  25. Are they as cheap there as they are here?
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