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Everything posted by HerLoss

  1. The hick state of Maine for 14 years. 2 years previous to that in Connecticut.
  2. Stairway to my pants?
  3. Sign me up for that list! lol.
  4. I dont believe thats really a double post. I'm pretty sure that the rules state something about posting twice uninterupted within an hour, and seeing how they were in different months, I very much doubt that qualifies.
  5. HerLoss

    Proxy Optimized

    My school's filters are based on site domains, so all I have to do is open up a dos promt, run a whois, and access the site throught their IP instead of the domain. Works every time.
  6. I would imagine so. As soon as its members realize how childishly centered the forums are around fun and games, KL will go to hell in a handbasket.
  7. My guess would be that sites with more traffic are higher on the list, but I would think that you would need to be higher on the list to get more traffic... hopefully google has decided that it would not be good to have this paradox on their hands. Who knows.
  8. And I probobly would have ended up with a week's ban for going totally [bleeped!]. lol.
  9. HerLoss


    I have yet to find any active forums that are of any interest to me, but as soon as I do you can bet I'll be all over it.
  10. Ignore myscrnnm. Seriously. Yeah, [bleeped!] him. I've probobly kissed a girl more in the last week than he has his whole life. Girls dont like whiney little cowards. And I wont speak of anything more than kissing... Actually, enough with the subject. I dont like myscrnm, and I dont like KL, and thats all I have to say.
  11. Well I hope he doesnt mean we were removed again... but last time we had some downtime right after djbob submitted us there, and someone must have reported a bad link or something, so we were out.
  12. well there is a site that hosts IPB forums for free... but thats just not professional.
  13. Yeah, cuz less active members = less ad views = less cash = no site = Oh no!!
  14. Someone with a good sense of humor! lol, j/k
  15. I think we need to advertise the piss out of other forums, find someone whos good at coming up with ideas who we can draft to make up regular competitions... and thats it for my ideas...
  16. HerLoss


    AG has a great one, but heres mine in case you havnt noticed it plastered all over my sig and in several help topics. independent-music.heliohost.org (still savin up for that domain address so I might compete with AG. lol.)
  17. I think I just thought up this bumper sticker all by my lonesome... heres to hoping I didnt subconsciously see it somewhere! Support our troops, Not their mission. Copyright 2005
  18. Yay! new recruits!! 100 points to GM!! (Dont get any ideas people, this is a one time thing for me) lol.
  19. Its already been put out there, but here it is again. Some sort of recruiting campaign would be nice, and give each person like, a 500 point bounty for each person they recruit. But that could lead to multiple regitrations... All I know is that if it doesnt pick up in the next couple months, I'm gunna be out of helions to pay for my site. Edit: Oh! we should really get an IRC going, and like, every day at a certain time djbob or whoever's running it closes the channel and gives like, one or two points for each legit message.
  20. HerLoss

    Rate us!

    Because HerLoss spent a lot of time on his knees... lol, j/k. Maybe I'm just special?
  21. HerLoss

    Rate us!

    because the host was down for 2 days right after we joined :sarcasm: Well that was smooth :/sarcasm:
  22. 1.5! lol. Its just too bad that we cant transfer fracitons of points.
  23. Thank you djbob. You saved me a whole lot of searching! lol, and we all know I'm too lazy for that.
  24. I'll put a helion up on that!
  25. HerLoss

    Rate us!

    My review is in as well. Why did they erase us originally?
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