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Everything posted by CriBaby
I can get in now. I take it that means it's been fixed. Yay, back to sifting through code. Edit: Scratch that. I can log in to the old server. The new server is off-limits.
I don't think it was necessarily a problem with conserving the file permissions. I think it was working by chance on the old server, and then when it got to Stevie, he basically said, "Hey, this file permissions don't allow for that. I'm putting a stop to it." and my forums went, "Aww! But the old server let us do it!" ... Yeah. In non-AI server terms: It was a fluke it worked in the first place. I never configured the file permissions away from 755.
That, my friend, sounds violating. I'll be calling HR on behalf of Stevie. And... thanks for the notification. Do you have an estimated completion time?
So, up until about half an hour ago stevie was working fine. Cpanel was functioning, my forums worked, and I was able to get into the editor. Now I'm not able to even get to the cpanel login or the forums, but I can get to my homepage. In fact, the home page is the only page I can get to. I'm assuming the home page is cached which is why I can see it. Is there a problem with stevie? Is he ill already?
Yes. It's not actually using that memory. It's just reserving it. Many applications (even vista) do this now. It helps make sure you don't spread your resources too thin but it's annoying when it's reserving more than it needs.
Crap! I forgot Magic! I have probably 200 (or more) cards in my desk.
index files (index.html, index.php, and so on) go under public_html OR public_html/www. Either works. Also, unless you want your file structure to be indexed, thus allowing people to see all of your files, you should turn off indexing.
A little note for those of you who are switching over: Make sure that you go through every page and make sure it works the way it did on the old server. For whatever reason, my forum decided it wanted to act up once the move was completed. First it gave me a notice that it couldn't delete from /cache/ then it stopped showing images so that the entire forum was text-only. It got weirder and weirder from there. I ended up backing up my database, deleting the file structure, and reinstalling it. The database restore corrected all but 3 text fields (apparently they weren't being held in the database? weird). All in all, I've had no major issues. In short: Make sure that your file permissions are set up properly.
7 Reasons why the world will end in 2012
CriBaby replied to JimBOB's topic in Philosophy, Politics, and Science
This is scientific observation and measurement. Actually, it predicts the end of the creation cycle on that date, not specifically the end of the Earth. That would make this fall under the category of religion. It boils down to realistic observation vs. religious prophecy, which are completely different things. It's like saying that because a weatherman can forecast the weather, he can also tell you the exact date the world is going to end, thousands of years in advance. On a somewhat unrelated note, on December 21, 2012, I think I'm going to go outside and flip off the sun. And on December 22nd, 2012 scientists will say, "This just in... our calculations previously stated about the world ending in 2012 were gravely wrong. Last night one man was fried to a crisp while flicking off the sun. The world ends... today." -
Best languages to make a (good) website
CriBaby replied to Kim-Lan's topic in Technology and the Internet
With the world moving more and more towards high speed, flash is becoming less of an issue but it still requires a lot of bandwidth and support. Most people want it because of its "flashiness" (excuse the pun). In honesty, with CSS and Photoshop or ... I think it's called Fireworks, you can do the same thing. gif files will be smaller and allow you to put text where text is required. That and flash is much more difficult to update. Take forums for example. PHPBB is extremely pretty and it has no flash. IPB is the same way. I see the point of both, but if you're trying to provide a service, you don't want to exclude people who may want your product but can't because they can't reach your site. If it's personal, flash is more presentable with much less effort and will impress people more quickly. It's all in how you want to market your site. -
Cpu install problems, look here
CriBaby replied to jjpriest25's topic in Technology and the Internet
Well, at first, one of the standoff things wasn't in right and the mobo was touching the case and shorted out everytime... That took about 7 hours to figure out. Now I've gotten to the point where all the fans and LEDs will come on, but nothign shows up on my display... It's about my 22nd hour of attempting to build this pc... haven't seen anything on a screen yet; just pretty LEDs...SIGH... EDIT: I'm really hopin that short didn't fry my motherboard... My build went very smooth. If I were near to you, I'd help you put it together and figure out what's wrong. Since I can't, I'll try to help as best I can. 1. Look around the area where it shorted. Do you see any black marks? If it's only on the green portion it should be fine. If it's across a metal strip, that's bad (obviously). Also, smell your board. Do you smell burnt plastic? Do you see any popped resistors or capacitors? Any physical damage at all? If you can't see any and the LEDs are coming on, your board is probably still in working order. 2. Do some research on your mobo. The one I have is notorious for not posting. People get bad mobos and they don't post. Has nothing to do with anything they did. Could be something like that. 3. Try another GPU in your computer. We had issues with drivers on my friend's computer and we couldn't get any display at all. If that all fails, lemme know. Also, does it beep when you turn it on? Any noise at all? If you have an on-board speaker, make sure it's properly attached. Those beeps are like morse code. It'll let you know what's not right. -
That shows that you clearly haven't tested much else. iTunes does not support .ogg (ogg vorbis) or .mkv or any of the other filetypes I commonly use. I prefer .ogg to .mp3 and shouldn't have to download a codec for an increasingly standard filetype. That's why I use VLC for video/audio playback and Winamp for audio playback. I haven't tried Zoom but I hear it's even better than VLC. I'll have to see if it cuts down on video ripping when fast forwarding. If it does, it'll be my new program of choice. PS: Steve Jobs is not God.
Chess is my favorite board game (I suck, but I love it). D&D is a fun table top game. Chutes & Ladders pwnz all sept Candyland, yo.
Cpu install problems, look here
CriBaby replied to jjpriest25's topic in Technology and the Internet
Yeah, the models above the Q6600 were way too expensive when I bought my rig. Like $1000. What's going on with the rig? Make sure you have your power button plugged into the mobo. -
Cpu install problems, look here
CriBaby replied to jjpriest25's topic in Technology and the Internet
I love that model. I dunno if you had the ability to check, but do you know what type of stepping you were able to acquire? One of them is mediocre and the other one is quite fast and much cooler. It also allows for an overclock of 3.6. Fun, if you're into that. Though, for a server I don't know how smart that'd be. Edit: Also, I saw that you had named it Stevie in another thread as well. Why Stevie? Why a name at all? -
MOST widely acceptable web programming language
CriBaby replied to JcX's topic in Website Management and Coding
Touche. Wise man, you are. -
Cpu install problems, look here
CriBaby replied to jjpriest25's topic in Technology and the Internet
Since Core 2 duo, huh... Well, that just shows I haven't messed with any new CPUs... Ironically, I've got an LGA775 Quad-core cpu on the way along with a motherboard, so if I can find the camera, I'll take some pics and upload them on here. I had no idea when I bought this new processor that it had the technology you were talking about, but I guess it probably does. This comp is using a Q6600 quad core. So unless your chip is from bizarro world, you'll have the mighty pins on motherboard awesomeness. PS: It's a good thing you saw this thread before getting your stuff in the mail. I about fainted when I turned over my CPU to find no pins. -
MOST widely acceptable web programming language
CriBaby replied to JcX's topic in Website Management and Coding
Do you have a source for this claim? It seems rather dubious. EDIT After researching a little bit, you are indeed correct that Firefox 3 is better at CSS than IE 7. However, IE 8 is about the same. I should have clarified. In IE8, Microsoft declared that they were going to do a better job at respecting the W3Consortium. IE8 and anything after that should handle CSS the way it was intended, not the way it can be abused. That said, IE tends to display more sites than FF because of the fact that it doesn't stick to such a strict standard. By allowing deprecated tags and the changing of inline tags to block tags IE allowed for things that would normally take a few more lines of HTML, if not just a few more words. Basically, if you want to be lazy, IE is easier to program for. If you want to be proper, FF is the way to go. -
dj, perhaps you should provide us with the ad code necessary to put ads on our sites where we choose. It wouldn't afflict you in any negative way because you wouldn't have to give out your login info and we could decide for ourselves where we want the ads to go. I for one would definitely give you a footer or possibly a header ad on my site.
Honestly, who reads really bold font anymore? Everything important is in microtext.
Does IP Board not have the account deletion built into the forums? PHPBB (2 and 3) both had the option to remove the user and keep or leave their posts. I've used it several times to create a fake account to test out stuff on my boards that I couldn't do with an admin account and then delete the account when I was done. As far as actually deleting it, it makes sense to let it stay so that those of us who were curious would know how it works. PS: I made my account from behind a corporate firewall with a randomly changing IP address. Obviously I've only used up one of the many addresses that we have but should someone attempt to register an account at the exact time we're on that IP address it'll probably throw them off.
Cpu install problems, look here
CriBaby replied to jjpriest25's topic in Technology and the Internet
The pins are on the motherboard as of the Core2Duo. My friend believes that the AMD AM2s may be the same way, but don't quote me on that. And yes, the pins are on the motherboard and they come up into the CPU into a flat surface that can be indented for the pins. Had I known of this site before I built my current computer, I would have taken pics and put them on here for you to see. -
MOST widely acceptable web programming language
CriBaby replied to JcX's topic in Website Management and Coding
Requiring a plug-in by definition makes something not accepted. Having something that's built-in to the browser makes it more accepted. So I would say that Flash is not the way to go. Besides, flash is extremely resource heavy, usually consumes a bunch of bandwidth, and if someone doesn't have that plug-in, your website becomes inept. Bad idea. Incorrect. In reality, CSS displays more properly on FF than it does on IE. FF follows W3C standards. If you don't know what W3C is, they decide what the basic building blocks for all of the internet are. They decide when code is born and when code dies. If something is working properly on IE but not on FF, you need to find a different way to do it, because when Web2.0 is finally prevelant, your method will no longer work. Use www.w3schools.com (you must include the www) to see what's deprecated. As far as PHP and ASP go, those are processed by the server. But others have already discussed that. -
You must be a member for at least a week before you can buy Posting Standard. It's unlikely you will have 100 posts in a week, so I'm assuming that's why they didn't restrict that one.
No, it's not obvious. He said, "I don't want to use google to find a host that supports it but doesn't support mysql or any other sql". That doesn't make sense. That's why I asked.