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Everything posted by TroJan-X

  1. ok these are my favorite sites http://supermegabad.wetpaint.com/ http://rvb.roosterteeth.com/home.php http://www.pandora.com/ you must check this out!
  2. ......so funny .....must....not .....pee.....pants....
  3. you must get an iphone! expensive? YES!!! but you just spend a little time and jailbreak it ! very easy "it looks like a big cat." "what like a puma?" "ya ya thats it."
  4. i think that is the best way, not that i know because i am new and all...
  5. that is cool i think i will try it on my ipod "don't ever be alone...." "he is doing it again!"
  6. 1228! yay
  7. i like episode 100 "caboose come out we just want to shoot you" "whispers *don't do it! Its a trap*!"
  8. well sorry it was my first post! settle down
  9. used for .... which code
  10. FIRE FOX all the way!!! YEAH!
  11. I would try but i don't have much time for it.
  12. very funny
  13. i really want to see this movie
  14. i like the beginning of this but the end is not my favorite
  15. i really liked jumper and i really want to see it again soon
  16. Heliohost is the best i found so far
  17. will the world end in a: less then a year b: until gas is gone c: when the ninjas atack b: when it is to late for people to change the way they drive(crash!) d: other if you chose d then explain! tell us how you think the world is going to end
  18. i have an ipod touch and it it good because i don't have to pay 99.99 a month for it.
  19. i have a computer that is 4 years old i don't use it but it is terrible
  20. this is a very funny show. i have watched all 102 episodes it is very funny but it is quite raunchy material so be prepared but check it out anyway! this is the site. http://rvb.roosterteeth.com/home.php
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