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lol posts 1 seconds apart !!! You guys are crazy For now I have turned off the client, switched to only a POP3 sync via gmail. Will try this for a few days, but may need to switch back to using IMAP at some point of time, will report any further issues then. Also will make sure to use a different client that time. Thanks, Jugal
I can't have my clients turned off forever right? If starting the client again causes the problem what should be done still needs to be figured out. Keeping the client off forever is not the solution. I have used this same client with same configuration on johnny since 6 months, all i did was update the IMAP and SMTP server address (from johnny.heliohost.org to stevie.heliohost.org) i did not change any other configuration at all.
I will try switching off my clients for a day or two. But please mark this post as unsolved then
Yes the cache was clear, in fact it was a totally new machine that I tried on today, but it is working now I generally don't rely on my browser anyway, I use http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/ to test if the page is up or down and its contents Hey it is down again I have not changed anything on my account since a few days now, still it comes up and goes down, so it definitely isn't some configuration that I may have done wrong. So it can be something to do with the imap clients (but still is 6 clients too much?) or something else that has gone missed? Can someone please look into the issue, and let me know if there is anything needed to be done at my end. Thanks, Jugal.
Thanks Krydos, Unfortunately the 500 internal error is back again. I have my email accounts linked into gmail, one phone client and another on outlook. But I have been having this setup since few months now, never faced a 500 error on Jhonny before. Can I kill the imap processes someway from the cPanel, can you tell me the email accounts causing the issue, I may turn them off if needed?
I am seeing this "500 Internal Server Error" page since a few day now. I recently added some addon domains and parked domain to my account, not if sure if misconfigured something. Also i had attempted to restore my jhonny backups on to stevie, can there be some conflicting config files (.htaccess, etc) in the home backup leading to this? If so, can someone point me to a tutorial on this? If someone can point me as to which logs needs to be observed to help me figure out the actual error would be of great help too..... domain: http://jugal.heliohost.org/ server: stevie
I recently moved to heliohost from another free hosting service. It has been really fabulous experience (apart from the Jhonny issues, but now I am no Stevie ) with the number of domains, subdomains, email accounts that Helio has to offer. The only shortfall so far that I find is the limit of cron jobs (2 per day IMHO is very less). My site really needs to do some database updation, based on a light php script, this needs to be done as frequently as possible, once per 5 minute is what I would be glad to have it run. The script isn't CPU intensive as my previous host never had an issue when I ran this script every 5 minutes there, and they were really strict about the CPU usages. So my question is, is there a way (cron or otherwise) I can run a light weight script every 5 minutes?
First of all, apologies for not being as good with stats as you guys Here are the events in chronological order Johnny went offline for several days As per news post, I requested backup (I may have minuderstood the part "files" in the post, and assumed it was all files, including sql and other dumps necessary to restore the entire site) and asked for deletion Received backup of "Home" files, realised that msql and emails were missing, but had already asked for deletion Applied for stevie account Johnny was back again Contradictor to being told my account was deleted, i could still log into my Johnny cPanel, hence manually initiated (didn't download) a full backup (Got busy, hence some days later) Saw the Full backup completed mail (pkgacctfile is: /home/jugal/backup-10.21.2012_00-19-50_jugal.tar.gz), but could no longer log into Johnny and hence was unable to download the full backup files Stevie account got active. Basically, my full backup got created even after being told my johnny account was deleted, but unfortunately before I could download the backup, my access to johnny was lost. This is the critical backup that I was talking about, and I really need this.
Recently during the jonny downtimes. Like most users i requested to get my account transfered and received backup of my existing account. But turned out that the backup only had files. Nothing about mysql, emails, domain, etc. Hence this backup is really critically to me. After johnny came up, I managed to manually take a backup through the link provided by krydos. http://johnny.helioh...ckup/index.html When I saw the "Full Backup Completed" mail, Johnny was again having a downtime. And after that I could never login to johnny again, probably since I requested to get the johnny account deleted. username: jugal domain: jugal.heliohost.org Server: (was earlier on johnny (this is the backup i need)) Now i have migrated to stevie. I can share the backup completed mail in PM if required. I really need the mysql, email backups to complete my stevie migration. Any help would be great. Since my backup was successful, can you provide me a link to it? Thanks, Jugal
First of all thanks for sending the backup files After posting @ http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/13640-solved-backup-files-johnny/ I have received my backup for the php/html files but I would also like to replicate my database when I migrate to Stevie, there is no way of exporting my current mySQL db on Johnny. And it seems my johnny account is already deleted after my migration request. When I tried signing up for Stevie I got a mail stating the following "Sorry, a DNS entry for jugal.heliohost.org already exists, please delete it first (from all servers in the dns cluster)" Since I don't have any more access to Johnny, could you please delete the dns entry? so that I could use the same domain on stevie? To summarize: I need MySQL database dumps I need to reuse the same domain on Stevie Username: jugal domain: jugal.heliohost.org
Downloaded Thanks, How about the migration to stevie?
As stated here, we can request a backup copy of our data. Could you please send me mine. Username: <removed> Site: <removed> Server: <removed> Also requesting for my account to be migrated to Stevie as I am only using PHP at the moment. You guys are doing a great job by providing such free services, hopefully if all of us who just use PHP migrate, Johnny would work great too. Thanks, Jugal