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Everything posted by Byron

  1. file_put_contents and file_get_contents are taking the place of fopen and fwrite. There's no difference in the amount of time, not that I've noticed. I just tested this on my site and it works fine: <?php $file = fopen("index.html","w"); fwrite($file, "<html><body bgcolor=\"blue\" text=\"white\">Hello World!</body></html>"); fclose($file); ?>
  2. I'm sorry, I was thinking of Perl Modules. We can install those ourselfs. Imagick is a php class of ImageMagick, not Python.
  3. As far as I know fopen still works. I didn't test it but you should use the php5 functions anyway. Much better and easier. file_get_contents(); and file_put_contents(); example: $content = file_get_contents("$url"); file_put_contents("YOUR_FILE", "YOUR_CONTENT"); Go to php.net for more info. http://php.net/manual/en/function.file-get-contents.php
  4. You can also make a backup of your entire site at your cpanel. It will make a tar.gz file that gets dumped in your home directory. You can then move it to your public_html directory to give to your new host adminstrator.
  5. Yes that's right, but you need to make sure that you use all lowercase letters when logging in. If you still can't login than it's a problem for the administrator and he isn't around and I don't know when he will be.
  6. Are you entering your username and password in lowercase? As far as resetting your password I can't help you because I don't have access to the server. We've been having problems with new registration for over a month and waiting on the administrator to correct them. Nobody knows where he is right now. He hasn't been around since late October. He disappears sometimes. And yes I am Support Admin but I don't have access to the server like I stated before. I wish I could be more helpful but I can't. Sorry!
  7. Have you ever been able to login to your cpanel and how long ago did you register? You can try this and see if it works: http://iconwebtech.com:2082/frontend/x3/index.php If that doesn't work than you'll have to wait for the administrator and nobody knows when that will be.
  8. You didn't miss anything on the confirmation email. It only shows how to login and your username and password. Try logging in through this url: http://abentia.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.php
  9. There is a daily sign up limit. You need to get there early when it resets which is 12:00am pacific time.
  10. Your site has been reactivated. We are experiencing problems with our server so make sure you make backups of your site for any future problems.
  11. You can try to install the module yourself at your cpanel or do as Wizard posted. I can show you plenty of examples using the imagick class.
  12. Yes we have Remote MySQL.
  13. See if you can renew here: http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php If you can than make sure you login to your cpanel a couple of times a month to keep your site up.
  14. I wished I could say when the administrator will return but I honestly don't know. As far as your database, if it were still there it would take the administrator to fetch it because he is the only person who has access to the server.
  15. We are having problems with the server and waiting on the administrator to fix it. It looks like your site may have been deleted and there's nothing I can do, Sorry. You can try to re-register with the same domain name and username.
  16. We are having problems with new registrations and waiting on the admnistrator to fix it. I have know idea when this will be corrected. Sorry!
  17. See if you can renew here: http://www.heliohost.org/scripts/renew.php
  18. You'llneed the administrator to install that and he isn't around right now. As far as any python imaging libraries, I couldn't say.
  19. This should work for you: http://rowesasp.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.html
  20. I don't know when he will be back. Just check the "HelioNet latest news" on the front page, he usually posts there when he comes back. His name is djbob.
  21. Only the administrator can help you with this and he isn't around.
  22. You can go to the html version of your cpanel but I don't know if that shows as logging in every 30 days. http://YOUR_DOMAIN.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.html
  23. Then it's probably not going to work until the administrator gets back and I don't know when that will be. Sorry!
  24. Try waiting 24 to 48 hours and it should come up.
  25. Byron

    Login failed

    Go to the html version for now. http://ilithya.heliohost.org:2082/frontend/x3/index.html I don't know if that is showing you as logged in every 30 days so keep trying the php version every so often.
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