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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Go through this url and make sure it's not there. http://wol-factions.co.cc:2082/frontend/x3...r=/public_html/ Then go to your cpanel and tell me what you see in your Error log.
  2. Did you look in your public_html folder for it? It probably got created when you installed your phpbb.
  3. You should be able to see it by going to your public_html folder through this url http://YOUR_DOMAIN:2082/frontend/x3/files/...r=/public_html/ Post back what you have in it.
  4. No adding the cgi-bin won't correct that. You need to look in your .htaccess file and see how it's configured.
  5. You might want to recreate your cgi-bin inside the public_html folder too.
  6. Go to your home directory and create a new folder called public_html and chmod to 750.
  7. Check your Error log at your cpanel for explanation of errors and check your .htaccess file for errors.
  8. Sorry I can't help you there. Hopefully somebody will come by that can.
  9. If your site is: webscriptz.heliohost.org there's no problem. Maybe your using the wrong username. Your username is jccoelho.
  10. It's probably just the time of day. Sometimes we have higher loads than others. You'll usually find that we a are pretty fast unless there's a problem on your end.
  11. You should be ok. Try it.
  12. What do you see when you go directly to this page? http://YOUR_SITE.heliohost.org/config.php You should also see the exact same thing if you were to make a test php page with only this in it. <?php include("/home/username/public_html/config.php"); ?> Is that the results you get?
  13. Are these html pages your adding this too? <?PHP include("/home/username/public_html/html.html"); ?> Because if they are php pages you don't need to connfigure your htaccess with Addhandler application/x-httpd-php5 .htm .html .php And if your still using that in your htaccess file you need to remove the .php from the directive. Addhandler application/x-httpd-php5 .htm .html
  14. I've reset your password and PM'd it to you.
  15. OK your domain is now: sans-etoile.net Give it 24 hours to resolve.
  16. Your site is still in the queue. Give it another day or two.
  17. Your site is up and you should be able to login today.
  18. I really don't know, lol. Hopefully Wizard will see this thread and post to you all about it.
  19. OK your domain name is now: wol-factions.co.cc You might be able to login now but it's probably going to be tomorrow before your site is up. Why do you want to know if this is a VBulletin forum?
  20. So do you want me to change your domain to wol-factions.co.cc?
  21. Isn't this your domain? huntex.co.cc
  22. Your site is still showing as being queued. Give it another day or two and it should be up.
  23. This support request is being escalated to our root admin. Username: beluga Domain: whalewatching.heliohost.org
  24. Byron

    Addon Domains?

    You can stop that with your htaccess. Here's something else to keep in mind. The folder name and domain name don't have to be the same. I could have named the folder any name I wanted, I just kept them the same for the sake of simplicity. So nobody has to know it's an addon domain unless you tell them.
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