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Everything posted by Byron

  1. Okay I've unsuspended your account. Please remove all of the nudity and you can keep your account.
  2. You must have renewed your account because I'm seeing it ok. Refresh your cache if your not seeing your site.
  3. Ok I've asked the root admin. and we aren't sure. What we think is: server address: either the server your on (stevie.heliohost.org or johnny.heliohost.org) or might be localhost. connection type: could mean if it's secure or not? Does it give you an example of what it might be? IMAP port: whatever the standard one is. Sorry I couldn't give you any better info than that.
  4. Great! I just checked and it's working fine with that script. btw, here's a tool to check the server fonts on Stevie that can be used with that script above: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools/imagick-font-viewer.php
  5. Great news! Here's the Imagick Methods shown from my Johnny account: http://dallas.heliohost.org/php/imagick/show-all-methods.php
  6. I'm sorry but we don't keep backups of anybody's data.
  7. Looks like that domain has been deleted for failure to login once every 30 days. Feel free to create another account if you like.
  8. What kind of information is it asking for?
  9. This original script was written by Mikko and can be found here: http://valokuva.org/?cat=1&paged=2 I modified the script so that it would watermark all images in a directory. This doesn't actually put a permanent mark on the image. You only see the watermark when you view the image with your browser. If you move the image to a another directory you won't see the watermark anymore. First create a .htaccess file in your image directory and add this to it: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f RewriteRule \.(gif|jpeg|jpg|png)$ watermarker.php [QSA,NC] Next create a file named watermarker.php and add this script to it: <?php /* set image path */ $img = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; /* Read the image in. This image will be watermarked. */ $image = new Imagick($img); /* get and set image format */ $type = strtolower($image->getimageformat()); $image->setimageformat($type); /* get image width and height */ $w = $image->getimagewidth(); $h = $image->getimageheight(); /* The text to write on the mark */ $text = "byrondallas.heliohost.org"; /* This object will hold the font properties */ $draw = new ImagickDraw(); /* Setting gravity to the center changes the origo where annotation coordinates are relative to */ $draw->setGravity(Imagick::GRAVITY_CENTER); /* Use a custom truetype font or server font */ $draw->setFont("Utopia-Bold-Italic"); /* Set the font size */ $draw->setFontSize(26); /* Create a new imagick object */ $im = new imagick(); /* Get the text properties */ $properties = $im->queryFontMetrics($draw, $text); /* Region size for the watermark. Add some extra space on the sides */ $watermark['w'] = intval($properties["textWidth"] + 10); $watermark['h'] = intval($properties["textHeight"] + 10); /* Create a canvas using the font properties. Add some extra space on width and height */ $im->newImage($watermark['w'], $watermark['h'], new ImagickPixel("transparent")); /* Get a region pixel iterator to get the pixels in the watermark area */ $it = $image->getPixelRegionIterator(0, 0, $watermark['w'], $watermark['h']); $luminosity = 0; $i = 0; /* Loop trough rows */ while($row = $it->getNextIteratorRow()) { /* Loop trough each column on the row */ foreach ($row as $pixel) { /* Get HSL values */ $hsl = $pixel->getHSL(); $luminosity += $hsl['luminosity']; $i++; } } /* If we are closer to white, then use black font and the other way around */ $textColor = ( ( $luminosity / $i )> 0.5 ) ? new ImagickPixel("black") : new ImagickPixel("white"); /* Use the same color for the shadow */ $draw->setFillColor($textColor); /* Use png format */ $im->setImageFormat("png"); /* Annotate some text on the image */ $im->annotateImage($draw, 0, 0, 0, $text); /* Clone the canvas to create the shadow */ $watermark = $im->clone(); /* Set the image bg color to black. (The color of the shadow) */ $watermark->setImageBackgroundColor($textColor); /* Create the shadow (You can tweak the parameters to produce "different" kind of shadows */ $watermark->shadowImage(80, 2, 2, 2); /* Composite the text on the background */ $watermark->compositeImage($im, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0); /* get width and height of watermark image */ $ww = $im->getimagewidth(); $wh = $im->getimageheight(); /* Composite the watermark on the image to the bottom righthand corner. Use 0, 0 for top left */ $image->compositeImage($watermark, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $w-$ww, $h-$wh); /* Display the results */ header("Content-Type: image/$type"); echo $image; ?> That's it. Now anytime somebody viesw one of your images they will see a watermark similar to the ones you see on my two examples: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/images/fs/little-cowboy.jpg http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/images/fs/carmen_electra_106.jpg btw, this only works on the Stevie server. Johnny doesn't have the Imagick Class.
  10. Sorry but we don't keep any kind of a backup of people's data.
  11. Your account was suspended for causing high MySQL load. Second suspension for this issue. Once more and you'll be suspended for good. Okay I've unsuspended your account.
  12. Your account was suspended for causing high MySQL load. Please keep the load down or you'll be suspended for good. Okay I've unsuspended your account.
  13. The only thing that isn't free is a dedicated ip. We don't offer paid accounts.
  14. Looks like that account has been deleted because you failed to login every 30 days. Feel free to create another account if you like.
  15. I see solved in the subject line. Do you still need help?
  16. Your account is still showing as queued. Give it another 24 hours.
  17. If your on the server Stevie, you can have the server parse html files as php by adding this code to your root .htaccess file: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .html .htm That way all files that end in .html will show php code. This only works on the Stevie server.
  18. Does your page have a .php extension?
  19. Your domain name isn't pointing to our nameservers: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/php/tools/dns_records.php?domain=softwarewolf.org&rec=NS Our nameservers are: ns1.heliohost.org ns2.heliohost.org
  20. Sorry, my bad. I had your account confused with another account. Your account was suspended for causing high server load for the second time. Please keep the load down so that we don't have to suspend your for good. Okay I've unsuspended your account and sorry again for the confusion.
  21. Did you try the password reset? Nevermind the password reset. I just checked and your site has become inactive. You need to login to your cpanel at least once a month. Go here and renew your account: http://www.heliohost.org/home/support/scripts/renew
  22. Did you set up Hotlinking protection on your images? If so you need to allow your parked domain. If that's not the case then post a page using your parked domain so I can see what's happening.
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