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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. It's not a memory leak, I just hogs up a lot of memory and it still does with Firefox 3. Right now, Firefox is taking up 146mb of memory on my comp. @jjpriest25: try this: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Unable...d+or+save+files
  2. Hey, we get helions for this now =) 1239
  3. I wouldn't mind death if there was nothing after that. I'd much rather not be conscious of my existence than floating around as a soul.
  4. Yes, you may... Why do you need our permission to install an AV on your own computer?
  5. I knew there would be spam the moment I saw a whole page full of your replies... [edit] I've looked through some of your other posts and this seems to be the only one that violates the spam rule. You've been gravedigging a lot as well but since it's not stated in the rules, I guess it's allowed.
  6. I've been using Firefox 3 since the beta, it came preinstalled with Hardy. I like the new search feature in the address bar but other than that, It's the same as Firefox 2 to me.
  7. @EmpJoe: I think both of your posts can be considered spam according to the spam guide. I'm really tempted to create another account and call it Joe just to get free helions...
  8. 4 hours on average per day, I'm still trying to cut it down.
  9. idk... All I know is DP will make like much easier, I couldn't find any tutorials that I could understand online.
  10. VLC for vids and amarok for music. I use totem for music too sometimes.
  11. Linux and Starcraft 2 (in 2 years)
  12. May I suggest making a wiki? Another thing I'd like to add to the list: Dynamic programming
  13. Frankie


    Ah, so that's what they mean when they say no hotlinking in the TOS. I always thought it meant they didn't want you to hotlink things from other websites.
  14. Looks like there's two Joe's. I sent a PM to Joe #1,740 and got a reply from Joe #3,448 (the Joe in this thread).
  15. http://nehe.gamedev.net/ Javascript is processed on the client side so it doesn't really help protect your code.
  16. Before 3.0, If I ever did want them to reopen, I would go into the system monitor and close firefox from there. That way, every window reopens. The one that comes with 3.0 only supports reopenning tabs from 1 window.
  17. Last time I checked, they didn't even allow HTML; everything had to be done through a wysiwyg editor.
  18. Frankie


    I want to hotlink Images to my heliohost site from an outside source (photobucket).
  19. Frankie


    I assume that mean I am allowed to. Anyways, that is what I plan on doing if I can hotlink, the images take up about 90% of the space used on my site.
  20. Frankie


    I couldn't find anything about this in the TOS but just in case, is hotlinking allowed? And when I check the server status page, I see "Server Load 7.29 (1 cpu)" and the red light flashing, what does that mean? Is it something I should be worrying about?
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