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Everything posted by Frankie

  1. Frankie


    sry, wrong forum
  2. All conjobs but the daily one has been removed. Thanks again.
  3. They can as long as it's encoded. For some reason, Firefox keeps turning my %20's into spaces. Anyways, nice model, it looks a bit like a huge carpet =). I sort of expected a bit more though.
  4. frankie
  5. I've never used that feature, I hate having all my tabs reopen when I start Firefox.
  6. [elitism]Vista skin? Psh. Use compiz fusion and an emerald theme[/elitism]
  7. I doubt those are memory leaks, the amount of memory it takes seems to stay pretty constant throughout. Anyways, FireFox 3.0 is officially released today!
  8. Yeah, I can do that. Thanks
  9. That's what I'm getting when I click on the link. The file shows up on Firefox's DownloadHelper plugin but I still can't run it after downloading.
  10. Isn't that what the introductions thread is for?
  11. I steal the hat with my telekinetic powers and eat the hat.
  12. ditto Why is this stickied anyways?
  13. Has anyone ever noticed that if you check the stats on any website, it's always approximately 10% female and 90% male?
  14. The link doesn't work
  15. http://mediabiz.branchez-vous.com/2008/06/...oi_du_droi.html http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20080613...19/CPACTUALITES http://www.thestar.com/comment/article/443399 Harper passed a new law on copyright and apparently, they can now fine us for downloaded material and up to 20k for sharing them. What do you think of this new law?
  16. Caliban Daft Punk Eversinceve Herbie Mann Unearth And a few random songs from random bands.
  17. Those pros are the ones who inspire me to spin pens . I have, at some point, obsessed over every hobby I've ever had. If I want to get a trick, I could spend hours just sitting on my bed spinning. Thankfully I never really needed that much time except for my first thumbaround. My skill level in any hobby I've taken up always goes up like the slope of an exponential function and halfway through, would start dropping like a sqrt function. Penspinning is currently going downwards on the sqrt function slope. So do I. I like simplifying things; taking everyone's actions and fitting it into a single rule. If I can find one that fits, maybe I can create artificial life... or am I being to ambitious now?
  18. If you want vista's looks, use linux with compiz fusion and an emerald theme.
  19. As previously said, you can write reviews for heliohost, but other than that, posting and collecting interests, I don't see any other way of getting that much. You currently have 43 posts which means you should have at least 430 helions. Assuming that is how much you have, it will take you 240 days to get 50k helions only through collecting interest 430*1.02x=50000 1.02x=116.279069767 log1.02116.279069767=x x=240.169801945 Isn't math fun?
  20. It doesn't seem to matter which programming language you start with, everyone seems to have turned out fine regardless of their first language. It all depends on whether or not you take the time to go through with the language you pick so for those who want results fast should probably start with something like BASIC (I don't have any experience with these languages so I'm not sure if BASIC meets this criteria, I only assumed it does because of comments like "BASIC is crippling to the mind") and those who have time to learn would go with C++. The latter would be more beneficial in the long term since you get to learn more about your computer when using lower level programming languages so when you move on to higher level languages, everything will be easier to understand.
  21. 15 years old I used to like gaming because it relieves stress but I soon found that it creates more stress than it takes. Now I waste my time on slightly more productive activities: music (bass trombone, flute), badminton, programming (c++, java, php), learning new languages (latin and spanish), pen spinning. Activities I recently gave up on: -gaming -speedcubing
  22. I think i get this... So do I somehow have the hat now? I throw the hat away and proclaim, "Yay! 10 free helions!" Doctor Steel attempts to catch it but the wind blows it towards Wizard and it lands on his head. Quis petasum habet?
  23. Correct me if I'm wrong but it's only 1000 per month isn't it? And you can collect interest once per day so with 50000 helions, you'll get over 30000 in interest over that whole month. If you want the posting plus plan, all you need is 1233 helions and to collect interest daily.
  24. I'll PM his e-mail to u. He did some of it but I'm the lead programmer so I'd be the one responsible for the cronJobs.
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