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Everything posted by jjpriest25

  1. I'm from North America. Somewhat specifically, I live in the U.S.A Somewhat more specifically, I live in Indiana.
  2. lol, awesome. Whether or not this happened or not, I'm going to use this next year for sure!(can't right now since I got out of school 3 days ago )
  3. I can think of many reason's the government might want to watch the p2p networks. Pirating copyrighted material is one, so is child porn and other things like that. But to watch it for a terrorist attack? That's a bunch of crap...although I guess I wouldn't put it past them to actually be monitoring it for that reason.
  4. I agree with JcX... Although these aren't really funny, they do serve a purpose, sort of. It shows how important understanding how to use the English language correctly is.
  5. I love Clive Cussler's books. Every one is like an adventure movie. Sometimes it's a little unrealistic, where Dirk Pitt, the main character, just happens to have a weird feeling that a bomb is attached to the bottom of a submarine, but all of the books are still really good. They're not very hard to read either.
  6. I've skimmed through the nine pages of this topic, and for whatever reason, no body seems to have mentioned 3 doors down. I really like their new CD. I've got Foxboro hot tubs on the way in the mail too, I'm psyched.
  7. If you just want an action movie, I think Fast and Furious is pretty good...Sure it's not very realistic, but compare it to the rest of the movies out there and they aren't very realistic either. I thought 2F2F was pretty interesting. The newest one, that I know of, Tokyo Drift, is pretty pathetic and boring. So, I would say the first two definitely deserve a watch.
  8. I'm a pretty die-hard spider-man guy, but I do think Ironman was pretty good... On second thought, the Hulk was pretty good as well. In conclusion, I'm going to go with Spiderman. I think Superman could be a lot better...
  9. I know it's been said before by many people but the books are way better. I just can't appreciate ANY of the movies after reading the books. I thought the first two were terrible, the 3rd was a little better, and I couldn't even get myself to watch the fourth, but I have watched the fifth, which was okay, I guess. Out of those I would say 3 was the best, but on a scale of one to ten, I'd only give it a five...
  10. Definitely the line of the day for me, lol.
  11. HA, that's decent. It's one of those one hitters though...once you see it once, it'll never really be as funny again.
  12. "If you use the same fake info"... Sounds like some poor person across the country's going to get a bunch of junkmail....
  13. The add-ons add a whole lot in Firefox; especially this new one I found. It's gspace, which allows you to store stuff using your gmail message space. You don't see IE doing that...
  14. I fluctuate a lot. Some weeks I will be on 2 or 3 hours a day, while others, I barely get on at all...
  15. 1217 happy to help out this good cause here...
  16. My case, motherboard, sound card, and processor are all five years old. Everything else has been upgraded in the last year. So, I really don't know how to say how old my computer is cause some of it's older than other parts.
  17. The 360's graphics processing power isn't all that great anymore. Modern high-end gaming PCs should be able to run it, if a proper port were done. I've got a pretty good computer. Sure, it cost more than the 300 or 400 that an xbox costs, but it can do a heck of a lot more. Kyougi made a good point, though. It would definitely have to be a good port. I have Guitar Hero 3 for PC and it's not a very good port. It takes a crazy powerfull computer to play it, and although it plays on my best computer, my other one, which is pretty good, if not just a little old, plays it at about 15 frame rate. I'm sure they could make a good enough port if they wanted to. Another point, if a computer can run Crysis...why wouldn't it be able to run Halo 3?
  18. I'm a guy, too. I know a girl that isn't on this site, but is good at all that stuff, though.
  19. I'd better watch my grammar here. Anyway, I'm 15, like programming, playing sports, and playing Scrabble. I somewhat understand what they meant by school and not liking it. I think that school's all right; it just gets boring and pointless at times.
  20. I'm not sure you're still looking for an answer to this since it was asked so long ago, but in case somebody needs to know, I"ll still post this. I know a couple of people that started programming in college as online courses and they all started with Visual Basic. I tried it, too, and am now able to progress to other languages fairly easily. One of the best ways to really learn a language, though, is to get active on a programming forum. Vbforums.com really helped me out a lot, and as the name says it's just a visual basic forum. If someone has some programming experience, they may want to start in C because there are so many similar languages; I just find it somewhat more difficult than Visual Basic.
  21. Thanks a bunch. I knew I needed these. I just couldn't find them.
  22. I think it's a good marketing idea by the developers of those storage devices. Hardly anyone realizes that they're being cheated out of all that memory. I couldn't figure out why I only had 82 of my hundred gb hard drive until last year. Part of it was because of a retarded backup system, but the rest was really never there at all! I think I have seen some that are actually the right number though...not sure though.
  23. Some of those are really good, lol. Others are just plain weird...
  24. That's awesome! I'm going to have to show the guys in first period this! I bet the school hasn't blocked this either. What a great find, thanks for sharing.
  25. Wow. HAHA. I might have to use that one sometime!
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