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Everything posted by jjpriest25

  1. cool, so did I. It wasn't even all that hard
  2. Yeah, this might end like that. My hope is that there will be more letter variation since you can change one of five instead of one of four... spars
  3. We somewhat use water, though. Or rather, moving water. The only way I can think of using water would be to somehow break down the compound and then do something funky with it then...but I don't really think water has the same potential as other sources. Of course I could be one of the people you are talking about who aren't "smart enough to figure out how to extract the energy out of water yet"... No matter the case of where the newest energy source will be coming from though, it's bound to be coming faster than ever as fuel costs keep sky-rocketing...
  4. This is the exact same as the other change the letter game. It's just to get some new and more complex words, this will be using five letter words. You change one letter to make a new word. To start: start VERY IMPORTANT EDIT: We have changed the rules. Instead of changing just one letter, we're changing 2!
  5. out boogers the size
  6. I used to have that idea when I was a little kid...Everything was the way it was just for me. I was the only one who truly could think and had feelings. Everything else didn't actually exist... Anyway, I got over that. I've also had thoughts about how we see. For example, we all can picture the color green in our minds. But what if my picture of green is red to someone else? and blue to another person? They all might think of it as green and nobody would know... I'm not sure I explained that clearly enough for understanding, but it's hard to explain something you don't understand yourself...
  7. a one eyed, disturbing
  8. latin sign in the
  9. Poisonous walnut, causing worse
  10. Well, I guess it just seems like it... ball
  11. Brazilian supermodel's pet canary
  12. That would be me, hehe, although it was 21 minutes before you posted... I know for sure(or at least almost) I posted this word about a week ago(just proves there is some kind of cycle): Molt
  13. We could probably give that a try, in a new thread or something... best
  14. It seems to me that we have a cycle of words. We always seem to end up with the same words. For example, I was about to put felt, but I'm sure that either I or somebody else just put that a little while ago... How about I just completely change the word to mix it up. Lynx just kidding, that would probably block it. how about: west
  15. I've never been a batman fan, so I probably won't go see it. But anyway, the other day, I was out eating with my grandmother and she mentioned something about if I had the new dark night yet. I had no idea what she meant, so she went on to tell me that she thought there was a new pizza at dominoes called the dark night! haha. Even after I told her it was a batman movie, she was still convinced it was a new type of pizza...
  16. wireless networks totally changed the usefullness of laptops.
  17. Please record your message after the beep... beep
  18. um... 1219...
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