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Everything posted by conor1

  1. <?php $config['host'] = "localhost"; $config['user'] = "orb_orb"; $config['pass'] = "********"; $config['db'] = "orb_database"; @mysql_connect("$config[host]","$config[user]","$config[pass]") or die("There was an error connecting to the database, MySql said:<br />".mysql_error().""); @mysql_select_db("$config[db]") or die("There was an error connecting to the database, MySql said:<br />".mysql_error().""); ?> I'm sure there's nothing wrong in config.php, I use it on almost every file.
  2. Hi Ice, Thank you for your reply. I did what you said, but it still won't work. There are also no errors being displayed.
  3. Hello, I created a mysql query,but it does not work. It outputs no errors , it just won't work. <?php Include('config.php'); mysql_query("INSERT INTO message(message) VALUES (' <font color=green><u>Test.....</u> </font>') or exit(mysql_error())"); ?> Before you ask, Table message does exist,and I know Font is deprecated.
  4. I deleted them cron jobs 5 minutes after creation?
  5. What? I didn't have any cron jobs running?
  6. So could I be unsuspended?
  7. Hello, My heliohost account orb was suspended,why was this? Is it possible for my to me unsuspended? My account is on the stevie server Main domain is orb43ds.heliohost.org Account name:orb Thank you EDIT:SORRY For my topic posting many times.
  8. Thanks!
  9. Hello, I was coding on my site,then saved a file a server license notice came up it says "Thank You for installing cPanel / WHM. This server is currently not licensed. Please contact the server administrator. Other services available on this server such as web services are likely functioning normally. (License has a future date) Once the license on this server is active, you will no longer see this message. If you have installed a license since loading this page, click here to reload." Could you activate your license as soon as possible? Thanks
  10. Well,if I open phpmyadmin then check my site,it results in a 500 error.
  11. The server I'm on is stevie
  12. Hello, whenever I open phpmyadmin I get a 500 error on my site can I prevent this?
  13. Perfect,I have logged on and changed my password thanks again! is there anyway to see the ip of hacker? The latest ip in cpanel is my ip.
  14. So send the password to the email I signed up for heliohost with,thanks.
  15. okay,instead of suspension could you email me my account password for heliohost?[the hacker changed the password.] CPanel Name:orb Main Domain:http://orb.heliohost.org/ Server:Stevie By the way,I was able to recover my password at first but then it wouldn't work after a few minutes. Thanks. Update:After my data loss I used mysql_real_escape_string in my forms when inserting to db.
  16. Hello, Luckly I was on when I saw my account was hacked. The user knew my password on my site chat. I changed my pass but he found it within seconds[it was a strong pass] I have put deny from all in my .htaccess file What should I do? Update: I can no longer login to cpanel Help! Please suspend me until further notice.
  17. Hello, Luckly I was on when I saw my account was hacked. The user knew my password on my site chat. I changed my pass but he found it within seconds[it was a strong pass] I have put deny from all in my .htaccess file What should I do?
  18. Hello, When I checked phpmyadmin yesterday I noticied half of my table was gone,I didn't delete any of it and only I know the password. Ever since this mysql has being laggy and closing suddenely. I really have no idea why... Thanks.
  19. Okay thanks!
  20. Hello, First of all I wasn't sure where to post this,so sorry if it's in the wrong Forum. I seem to be geting 500 errors lately which I believe might be heliohosts fault. Sometimes if I add the tinyest update to a script,while phpmyadmin is open 500's begin to happen. Can I prevent this? Thanks Conor
  21. You didn't reply to Junaid's question?
  22. Hello, I switched to stevie a week or two ago,and I would like my old account on johnny (conor1) to be deleted . Thanks Conor
  23. Thanks,I have logged in and changed my password. Again,thanks for all your help. Sorry,I'm able to login to cpanel but when I go to phpmyadmin it asks me to login to it and I did but it says #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server It has never done this before.
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