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Everything posted by conor1

  1. Sorry,I can't remember the exact month but it was past April 2011.
  2. Seriously they don't? I just tried and it still won't work. I'm using the same internet connection. Actually I just remembered something. After changing my pass the new pass didn't work I reset my pass from the login I got an email then entered the confirmation code loged in then changed my pass again and then the new pass didn't work,after that I reset my pass again but no email. Can you reset it through my contact email instead?
  3. Nope,not there either. Are you sure you sent it to dsiclub2@gmail.com ?
  4. Sorry,I didn't receive the email.
  5. conor1 http://dsiclub.heliohost.org server:johnny
  6. Yesterday,I changed my password and then I tried to relogin. but it said the password was incorrect. I was sure that I was entering the right password but it seemed to be wrong,then I tired to reset it again but no email came,then again and still no email came. So now i'm stuck with no access to my account.
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