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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. What is your index file named? What's your domain url?
  2. Data doesn't just disappear. I believe this is user error. Have you checked your trash folder?
  3. Closed.
  4. Looks like he deleted public_ftp.
  5. Opera, Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Safari are the big ones. You'll need multiple versions of FF and IE. Or, if you are lazy, you could get http://browsershots.org/ to do all the work for you.
  6. Make sure the image file names are without spaces. Make sure the <img> tags and the values in the src="" are correct.
  7. You uploaded them into the public_html folder?
  8. You don't really need the "www". I believe it'll work without it.
  9. Did you type the username in all lowercase?
  10. What is your website url?
  11. Cpanel is functioning on my end.
  12. Wizard

    404-Not found

    "public_html" is the folder you need, not "public_htm". Also, the index file has to be named something recognizable, like "index.html", "index.htm", or "index.php".
  13. There were issues with the server that caused registration to close, not financial problems.
  14. If it's working, why do you care?
  15. Wizard


    The Orcale is your friend.
  16. Wizard


    I use Filezilla. If you are limited to the console, there are ftp clients that run in your browser.
  17. Wizard


    Why not get a FTP client? You can build a website via your browser. There are tutorials in Cpanel. Helions were a form of currency that are no longer used.
  18. Wrong forum. Moved from "Questions".
  19. I believe there is a 200 account limit every day. On a completely different note: 711 posts.
  20. Put it in index.html, between the <head> tags.
  21. Go learn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon
  22. Do you know what a favicon is?
  23. I am installing phpBB 3.04 via Fantastico to confirm. If this works, I will try to update from this to 3.05. UPDATE 1: 3.04 via Fantastico worked without any issues. On another note, why is phpBB 50mb via Fantastico and maybe only half that through manual install? o_O Or maybe I'm missing something... Update 2: http://nephelokokkygia.co.cc/forum/ *Woosh* I successfully installed phpBB 3.05 through first installing 3.04 via Fantastico and then updating with the automatic update package found here.
  24. I'm assuming you registered with us and setup this .co.cc domain for it. When did you register?
  25. Wizard


    You have to wait up to 48 hours after registration to be able to login.
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