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Everything posted by Wizard

  1. Yeah, when I was running on Ubuntu, I had e17 and the .deb files updated about every week. It used to be that you had to redo your config files everytime you updated, thank god those days are over... for now.
  2. YOU WISH. If Halo 3 came out for the PC, only the 7 richest princes of the world would have computers good enough to play it. Don't hold your breath man, it'd be a lot easier to get it for 360.
  3. Does anyone use Enlightenment?
  4. 0 Oh yah?! My flash drive is 8,000,000,000 bits!
  5. You're going to face difficulty here then. -points to the big red letters on top of the forum-
  6. Don't you hate how some hard drive and DVD-R manufacturers use 1000 for everything instead of 1024? For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, the standard size of a kilobyte is 1024 bytes, 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte and 1024 megabytes make up a gigabyte. Manufacturers like to use 1000 for all of those values. The difference? You actually getting shortchanged 24 kilobytes, which might not seem like a lot, but once it adds up, you could be short several gigs. Example: if you have a "100" gigabyte hard drive, that's 1000^3 actual kilobytes you have. When divided by the real size you have 1000^3/1024^3, which ends up to be 93 gigabytes. You lose 7 gigabytes just because they use a smaller denomination. That way, they can charge you more while providing you less storage space. Thoughtful replies are welcome.
  7. Personally, I think school is alright, since I do well in school. It doesn't seem you do to well, because that is bad spelling and grammar, you used. You shouldn't be talking, you used 'to' instead of 'too'.
  8. Yes, but what about configurations?
  9. Learn javascript better. Heliohost doesn't disable any features.
  10. Is there anyway to restore an account to it's original settings? For example if I REALLY botch things up, and I want to wipe the entire thing out and start from scratch, is there anyway to restore default settings for all functions, and erase all content on my /home, etc? Other than getting the admin to do it for me of course... just curious... i don't think I've killed anything yet
  11. That's really good! Did Wizard play it? Or did he just record it? If he wrote this, maybe he could put up a tab... Haha, just kidding Really nice though! - ArceRC - Van D. All of the above, wrote it by ear though, so no tab, sorry.
  12. 15, Linux, computers, Linux, video games, Linux, webdesign, lots of lots of music, and Linux.
  13. I had 20k of rice before I quit, it's a good cause and all, but really addicting...
  14. Mozilla Corporation. Let me rephrase that, it's not ran by Microsoft. Also, it was the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit, that launched Mozilla corp.
  15. bits...i actually wanted to use a t, but that would be inappropriate i'm a good poster
  16. Compaq nx7400, you can look up the specs online if you care so badly. The Ubuntu part of my Compaq is using GNOME (duh) For my old b0x, 1.6 Ghz AMD processor (forgot model, too lazy to look up) 768MB of RAM [isn't that a weird number? ] Geforce 2 Integrated with like crap RAM 120GB hard drive I believe. It's a hand me down of a hand me down. I use Arch Linux mainly, with Fluxbox as a window manager or Englightenment DR17 if I want some shininess on my screen.
  17. Nonsense? Firefox had tabbed browsing before IE, it supports the w3c standard better than IE, and has a heck of a lot less security holes than IE. Not to mention it is cross platform, isn't ran by a corporation, and it has a REALLY cool mascot/logo. I mean come on? a flaming fox vs. a blue E? Firefox, ftw.
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