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danny0000d last won the day on October 15 2012

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About danny0000d

  • Birthday August 29

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    http://Working on it
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    Nice Try

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  1. Nevermind, Johnny is back online today. You can go in and access your files now but I would wait because johnny is just starting to start-up so there might be some downtime again but hopefully not though.
  2. What do you mean? Do you want your files on Johnny Server because if you do then you will have to wait until Johnny is back online? All user files are being backed up. Sorry for the inconvenience. What you can do is make a folder in your local Hard Disk Drive (HDD) and have the folder sync with the server so if the server ever goes down then you still have all your files and can make changes to them while the server is down. Once again, sorry for the inconvenience. I hope this helped
  3. Helping people feels really good.

  4. As far, as I see it the page doesn't have any major code or anything. Can you please take a screenshot.
  5. Well, I won't lie I am amazed that this happened considering that it is google
  6. Did you go to http://www.google.com/undefined or was this while you were searching on google because I highly doubt that that would come up considering how many IT's google has to manage there servers and the database on the servers.
  7. I'm Daniel, I'm 17 and from Florida. I love using Heliohost service it's amazing. That is amazing for the heliohost administrator djbob to only be 14 when he created heliohost and helionet. That is talent.
  8. You would have to talk to one of the heliohost admins so they can delete for you because johnny server is down. All of these users are heliohost admins just request them to delete your account http://www.helionet.org/index/user/1-djbob/ (djbob is very busy so I recommend the other admins) http://www.helionet.org/index/user/3265-byron/ http://www.helionet.org/index/user/5779-xaav/ http://www.helionet.org/index/user/9031-jje/ http://www.helionet.org/index/user/21409-ice-it-support/ http://www.helionet.org/index/user/12743-krydos/ Just post you want your account deleted and they will delete for you.
  9. Yeah, I'm with HosterSlice here please indicate what you mean by "Great Find." Can you explain this a little better I am bit confused. what do you mean by making changes on test.nerd.bd.to will also make changes to nerd.bd.to it shouldn't make any changes at all unless you upload test.nerd.bd.to the to the server to update nerd.bd.to; the only way it would make changes is if you don't make copy of the database so the current one doesn't get updated with nerd.bd.to. Please Explain your situation a little better because this is what I got from your message.
  10. Well, since firefox saved your own accounts password you can delete it, and since you have your brothers account password that was sent to you can also delete unless your account was on johnny the you would need to ask one of the admins to delete but if you have an account on stevie then you can delete it yourself. You can also change your current subdomain without deleting your account by going to http://www.heliohost.../scripts/domain then putting in your cpanel username, password and new subdomain (you will need to included the domain where the subdomain will be registered) I am assuming you remember your cpanel password if not then delete your brothers account and do another password reset for your account and that should work.
  11. danny0000d

    Johnny News

    When you put it like that then you're right, by the way offense is spelled like this unless you are from britain then it would be spelled offence.
  12. danny0000d

    Johnny News

    That's good news glad to here it was just a operating system error but just to be save for next time you should have all of johnny's files backed up automatcally incase next time it turns out to have a hardware problem or software problem that way you can just bring up the backup.
  13. Nice, not bad it reminds me of the old windows screensaver that was on the old windows operating systems
  14. Perhaps it is not a software problem but a hardware problem instead it could be that a some hardware damaged during the update, and thats what keeping johnny from responding or maybe a virus infected the server while it was updating keeping it from operating properly I would take a look at the hardware first than scan the server for any worms, virus or any type of infection, and if you find nothing than you should take a look at the system logs.
  15. Okay, so I don't mean to be so picky about this but when will stevie be updated to 11.34, I am not sure if it came out already the cpanel site says so. Sorry if I am being picky just wondering
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