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Everything posted by Spaceman3750

  1. I will rest it for you... Topic Locked
  2. What irritates me about him is that he refuses to respect other's opinions. For example, Creationism... He should at least respect it and Christianity, not to say he has to believe it, but merely respect our opinions.
  3. It is violent and has Satianic underpinnings. My mom and myself have come to the conclusion that it is coming from Satan, but the English teacher at my school that teaches kiddie lit doesn't think so (scary thing is, I go to a Christian school)...
  4. I have only read the first three, and don't want to read any more. It scares me to think that this time period will be remembered by works such as Harry Potter.
  5. Skype is awesome, a computer help forum I am a staff member at will begin doing support over that soon
  6. :rockman: :w00t: LOL, no I'm not, but I should be
  7. Hey djbob, will you refund my 250 helions or extend my hosting 1 month? I bought more hosting but I pressed enter instead of pressing the submit button, so it wanted me to register a new account instead .
  8. Spaceman3750

    New Rule

    I think KC's ticked at me for voting for Lappy and not him.
  9. And slew KC. For he wanted to be a moderator, but Spacekid and Genesis were clearly more qualified, so he strongly opposed it and is about to shoot them down in the legislature (oh well, I have djbob on my side ). I bet you do...
  10. Spaceman3750

    New Rule

    I believe you disqualified yourself for double posting, even though they were 1hr 1min apart . What we need is mods that are active, we just dismissed two mods because they wern't active, so now we have none.
  11. I have already put up a forum, just tell me if you want subs (sub-forums, not sandwiches).
  12. Or at least that was what KC thought, but it was really because he was a jerk and everyone left.
  13. Spaceman3750

    New Rule

    LOL, if you want it so KC isn't needed to be a mod vote yes to me and Genesis becoming one .
  14. Here we go, more neocromancers...
  15. Spaceman3750

    New Rule

    Yeah, I kind of figured. That irritates me.
  16. Once there was a guy named KC who gave Ali the idea to create 27 different accounts. The End
  17. ROFL, I agree wholeheartedly with that guy, I should send that to someone .
  18. Spaceman3750

    New Rule

    Why do you disapprove?
  19. No doubt in my mind...
  20. Space Place Web Community Improved The Space Place Web Community has been revamped and improved. We now have a much better main site, plus we are now hosting art galleries for teens worldwide who want to place their artwork online. Visit us at www.spaceplace.tk!
  21. I'm here almost every day to clown myscrnnm and spammers .
  22. You are right, it should. Shoplifting does not constitute capital punishment, but killing someone does... I think rape should probably fall under capital punishment too...
  23. If you know you will be killed if you shoot someone you will think twice .
  24. Three things... 1) STOP NEOCROMANCING (OR HOWEVER YOU SPELL IT)!!!!!!! 2) STOP SPAMMING!!!!!!!!!!!! 3) What exactly does that have to do with cPanel?
  25. Chris, he said that he would submit a ticket to our parent host. That DOES NOT mean that the issue was actually fixed... Give it up to two weeks, or more.
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