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Everything posted by Spaceman3750

  1. It's getting really amusing watching djbob get red in the face and throw his keyboard across the room because we now have 5 different chris's around here .
  2. Spaceman3750

    New Rule

    How can I sign up as a mod? I am active and very responsible...
  3. I'm active, remember?
  4. Cris, I have no doubt in my mind of who you are...
  5. Then don't post. Please stop spamming the boards, I have a nagging feeling you are the same Chris we just booted out of here. OOh, there's another rule infraction: creating multiple accounts...
  6. Is there an echo in here? This was posted in the Gates of Hell topic, which = spam to me...
  7. Check daCris please...
  8. I have heard nightmare stories about tons of adware and stuff that come shipped with HPs... Any truth to this?
  9. War is necessary sometimes, even in the Bible... The crusades were to reclaim the Holy Land, whether there was a mandate from God regarding this, I don't know... myscrnnm, don't twist this...
  10. myscrnnm, learn to socialize with regular humans or leave, please...
  11. Hey, maybe his real name begins with M and ends with X .
  12. I have deducted that you have assburgers, as you have no skill whatsoever in interpreting my intentions. I have deducted that you are a moron, a disease which prevents it's carriers from socializing properly and intelligently with the human race.
  13. You are getting on my nerves too...
  14. I am sure djbob would give Ali a refund... As for the .com website, you merely purchased a domain name, not an acutal site...
  15. Spaceman3750


    Say what? This topic is named MERGER, so I would say it has something to do with the actual topic .
  16. No, we want the Admins and mods to make sure that the rules are enforced and that swearing/sexual language stays OFF the boards .
  17. Spaceman3750


    In the US the bartender at a bar can be charged with involuntary manslaughter if he lets a guy get drunk and then he goes out and kills someone in a car accident because he was drunk... It should go the same way here, it's djbob's responsibility to remove those posts .
  18. My board was (and kinda still is, just no site anymore...) ruled as a strict dictatorship, no swearing, etc... It was supposed to be a safe place for all ages so I ruled with an iron fist...
  19. Yeah, I have come on the brink of leaving multiple times due to excessive swearing and sexual language used around here...
  20. Spaceman3750


    You guys have to remember that djbob can also be held responsible for the posts of his members in a US court, so if some FCC guy had come along and saw the hacking post djbob could have been in trouble (I am pretty sure this is correct)... Regardless of a content disclaimer, because he failed to remove it (I think?)
  21. This is getting scary... No wonder myscrnnm supports max, I am beginning to wonder if they are one and the same... It was benificial in a way because it helps us bolster our security... But... There is also "ethical" and "legal" hacking, such as a company hiring a hacker to test their security or the police hacking into a suspect's computer...
  22. NO MERGE NO MERGE NO MERGE Mergers are generally bad... Well, read my spiel in the thread about the merger with PixelRaft.
  23. ROFL, no surprise that myscrnnm supports max
  24. It can also cause firefights between users, mods, admins, and any combination of the 3 .
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