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Everything posted by Spaceman3750

  1. Why must everything in our culture be sexy?
  2. I would shy away from HDDs, never sure what can turn up on them if the previous owner didn't wipe them.
  3. To pay for the CEOs mansion and girls
  4. Are they all named Logan?
  5. He has been fined (again).
  6. Hey genius. It is banned. Yeah, I agree with no neocromancing.
  7. I guess not. I wonder how long it took to program...
  8. Message removed due to annoyingnessness. Stan, shut up or leave. I can always remove every last one of your helions if you tick me off .
  9. Spaceman3750

    More Updates

    Excellent. Both HH and HN need an overhaul.
  10. I had another discussion with the same guy (unfortunately, I think I did something that got fate mad at me). I swear that guy was sitting there drinking a cup of coffee and laughing his head off while he was supposedly researching one of my problems. I eventually disconnected and I wish I had asked to speak with another rep/supervisor.
  11. OK, I agree with you there. But if you wern't going to buy the CD anyway, then why pirate it and cheat the record company and recorders out of money?
  12. You mean the two organizations trying to stop people from stealing music?
  13. To my knowledge, they are not copyrighted.
  14. Don't speak with the parent host, they are a bunch of idiots. I had this conversation with one of their representatives:
  15. This is really starting to tick me off. I am about ready to find alternative hosting if this continues. djbob, either fix the problem or give me a link to the parent host so I can have a word with them.
  16. Yeah, that's mysteriously disappeared off of the server... The Helio network is crumbling... First PHP goes bonkers, then the forum goes haywire, now this! You know what they say, all free web hosts must die eventually...
  17. /bump still down. What is the name of the parent host, anyone know?
  18. Under the right conditions any software will crash. Firefox isn't crash proof. I ran a test once to see if some looping JS would crash FF and it almost did.
  19. OK Stan, I can fine you all day if you wish. Please, no all-caps posts, spam etc. Read the rules and spam guide while you are at it, if you read and follow them it will surely keep you from being banned, which I am about ready to recommend you for.
  20. I am about to fine him 60+, not much right now, but when djbob fixes the point problem, it will be alot.
  21. Please stop spamming.
  22. Reported in the staff lounge, I just noticed that a few moments ago... (Buys domain 10 names )
  23. Give me the name of the parent host, I will wring their necks
  24. Yeah, I am still getting 500s as well.
  25. Bumping is posting a one or two word post for the mere purpose of bringing it back to the top. You are neocromancing .
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