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Everything posted by Spaceman3750

  1. I thought you said that we have a 7 day grace period?
  2. IMHO this is spam, he posted 6 other topics like this, which I deleted.
  3. The thing is, now they are in a position to actually detonate a bomb and seriously injure alot of people because your school is complaciant...
  4. Wow, that is really cool . Takes too long at 4x though, I sped it up as high as it could go.
  5. Actually, the software is free forever if you download it before next november, but you can get it free for one year .
  6. Actually, I can.
  7. You have a 7 day grace period to get your stuff off of the server.... Try making sure that you typed in the subdomain name correctly and that you are using the correct field (use the renew field and not the new account form).
  8. It has most likely been deleted due to your spamming.
  9. Can you tell me how to get VB Express? I get taken to the Web Developer Express download...
  10. LOL, nice one HL (I am still a Bush fan, but I don't mind a good joke every once in awhile either ).
  11. Q: How do you make a spammer stop spamming? A: Ban him
  12. Lucky *hmph*... I wish we would get rid of DST in the US...
  13. OK, this time I will help you correct yourself (besides, if I kept fining you you would run dry on helions ). If you like the PSP, tell us why you like the PSP... Why is it better than the DS? When you post that you like or dislike something, say why, and allow others to debate that stance.
  14. Then don't. 10 helion fine.
  15. , it's the only way myscrnnm could ever get a date .
  16. For most people, I have no doubt that mazajac is a likeable person, but when she talks to or of me, she is a total [bleeped!], and for that, I find it difficult to respect such a person. You are a total [not going to say it] as well, so I don't think you have any right to be calling other people such names.
  17. I don't have the forum clock set like that, just my watch .
  18. That sounds like me, I have my watch set to my school's clock within a couple of seconds. The thing is, right now my school's clocks are really messed up because the system is trying to correct itself because of DST being over...
  19. ROFL, gotta give the doctor credit for having a good plan if he didn't pay .
  20. It started working properly yesterday afternoon, a couple of hours after I posted this.
  21. Click here The subdomain has been flakey too, this is a direct link... EDIT: hmm, doesn't happen with the default theme.
  22. Have you ever wanted to become the CEO of a company? Have you ever wanted to control a company? Then Conglomerate Buisiness Simulator is the place to do it. Inspired by Nations, a Geopolitical nation simulator, Conglomerate lets you take the helm of a US company or corporation. Visit us at www.conglomerate.tk.
  23. PHP, most definitely. It is sooo easy to work with if you can get past the ever-persistant parser .
  24. No go .
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