Ash Fohx
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Everything posted by Ash Fohx
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Oh! I had forgotten about both of those shows! Yeah, I watched both of them before the others I mentioned. Also amongst the shows I watched when I was little was the SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron. That was a sweet show. XD
According to this site, they stopped just short of episode 50 and I'm pretty sure there's nearly 400 episodes and counting right now. You'll need to buy quite a few DVDs. XD;
I'm not a car fanatic so I just want something that runs well and suits my style. Black exterior with a red inteerior would be nice~ I've always been a Corvette fan though, even when I was little. I'm actually very happy with my current car except for the fact that it wont' start any more and we can't figure out the problem. x_x My current car is an '87 or '88 (we can't figure out which) Cutlass Supreme with black exterior and red interior. Apparently the engine was switched out of it before I got it though, so the engine is more powerful than what the car normally comes with. I'm not complaining though. XD @nightwing14: I admit that it's a cool car but I've always thought they were kinda ugly. I've always preferred things that were more plain. :/
Any Nightwish AND Flyleaf fans out there?
Ash Fohx replied to nightwing14's topic in Art and Entertainment
I've never been into Flyleaf but I still listen to some Nightwish~ My favorite song is Nemo. It's such a beautiful song. x3 I don't listen to Nightwish since they got a new singer though. I'm sure she'd be a good singer if she was with some other band but she doesn't suit Nightwish at all. x_x -
I use Firefox and support it. I've honestly never liked IE but it's all up to preference. I like that Firefox is easy to customize and gets updated fairly regularly. I just think Mozilla is doing a wonderful thing with this browser. My respect for Microsoft has gone downhill lately, what with Vista and IE7 being released and not really any better (from what I hear, anyways. I've not touched Vista and don't want to if even Microsoft magazines are complaining about it).
I can't say that one is better than the other but OpenOffice is free and that's the deciding factor for most people. XD They both do work really well though but I think OO is going to get more support as time goes by just because it offers the same functionality for no price. They may change that and offer a lite version and a pro version but if that happens, I can always just keep the older one.
I've got a digital camera~ I don't use it as much as the people in my family but I do own it. >:3 I won it in a random drawing though, so I can't say I actually wanted it. I can't even remember what kind it is. I remember that it has a 5 megapixel display but that's it. :/ It's a cheap little camera but it's more than I asked for and all I'll need (until I head off to college, that is).
I've honestly never done anything more than taste a few sips of alcohol~ I never even took what you'd call a 'drink'. It got to the point that my mom actually tried to trick me into drinking but I could always tell when she was. I don't blame her though. I really need to loosen up but I'd rather not get drunk to do so. XP Anyways, I'm really against drugs. People in my family do them and I hate it. ><
I'm not particularly fond of these sorts of topics because there is never a conclusion but I feel the need to state my position anyways. XP I'm atheist, but I'm also very open. I support other religions just because I believe it's a wonderful thing to have faith despite what others think. I cannot give reasons why there isn't a god or gods. But neither can any of you provide evidence that there is. Now let this eternal discussion continue~
In my opinion, there is always something that points to the coming of the apocalypse happening. I do believe this world will end at some point, but the universe won't stop growing and time will keep moving regardless. Just because one tiny planet dies doesn't mean everything ends. It could mean the end for us but that would be it.
This is a fun topic~ I can relate to the feeling of possibly being in a dream world and being the only real person. However, I also feel at times that I'm the figment and someone else is dreaming me up. It's kinda scary but kinda cool. I don't worry though. If I am in a dream or even if I am the dream, I can't change the fact and I may as well live my life normally regardless.
I believe in the existence of life outside of Earth. I've always believed this way and I stubbornly refuse to believe otherwise because it's just difficult to imagine that we are all there is in this huge universe. As for the existence of parallel universes, my standing is against it. This is something I skeptical about at best though. It could be possible. After all, there are many mysteries to the universe. ;3
I lean more towards the belief that there is no afterlife (It's more of a hope that there isn't one than a belief. One life is enough, thank you) but it honestly wouldn't surprise me to find out I'm wrong. There are things that are difficult to explain even with science. It could be that we just don't know enough yet or it could be something supernatural and related to the existence of an afterlife. However, for the purpose of this discussion, I do not believe in an afterlife. It's difficult to give reasons why I believe this way, but it's also difficult to support the existence. My standing on the existence of God or any other deity is the same. I don't believe but it wouldn't surprise me. I can't offer evidence against such an existence but neither can anyone else offer evidence in support of it.
do you think the mission to Afghanistan was a good idea?
Ash Fohx replied to druser's topic in Other Discussion
Okay. This is tricky. I voted 'yes' on the poll because I believe that the mission itself was a good idea. I just think that it should have been better thought out. With our military strength, we could've been in and out much more quickly. Dragging things out like this is never a good idea. -
I believe that homosexuals deserve all the rights of heterosexuals. I know it's impossible to stop everyone from being prejudice against them since we are individuals, but at least they deserve their rights. I've known a couple gays and quite a few bisexuals. I've even dated bisexuals! Honestly, they're no different from other people in my opinion. I'll admit that I feel uncomfortable when I see a gay couple getting close but I can remember feeling the same way when I first saw straight couples getting close. It's just something you get used to, like anything else.
I live in the United States in the state of Tennessee. Nothing special about the city I live in. I believe it's the meth capital of the world though. ><#
Discussions like this always get me excited. I'm no expert but I love discussing this. x3 Anyways, myncknm (clever name by the way XD), excellent job explaining that. You said all and more than I was going to say as I read the first few posts and made it easier to understand. That would've taken me hours to pull together. x_x As for travelling at the speed of light, I firmly believe that it's impossible. Travelling close to the speed of light may not be but I can't be sure. In fact, I think it would be easier to actually bend space to bring our destinations closer to us than it would be to travel the speed of light (and that would be no easy feat). As for light behaving like particles, I believe it was already said that no one can clearly explain what light is, even the experts. That should say enough about that. I'm sure humans will find the answers eventually, but I doubt it'll be in our lifetimes. Questions like "What is light?" aren't what concern most people.
This is just hilarious. I totally believe it's possible (Mother Nature is just weird sometimes) but that doesn't make it any less funny. The words 'pet rock' keep popping into my mind. XD
Thank you! It's always bothered me when people suggested that it's impossible for other planets to support life. Anyways, this excites me so much! I hadn't seen this article before so I'm really hopeful that signs of life will be discovered. Any kind of life, I don't care if it's not intelligent. As for inhabiting Mars, I don't think it's impossible to set up a few colonies there, but terraforming it would take a long time and I'm not sure it would be possible. As for transporting the entire population of Earth there, that would be impossible. Like was said before, we're barely squeezing onto this planet but you overestimate the size of Mars. Mars' total surface area is just under the amount of dry land on Earth. That means, with water (if terraforming is possible), we would have less room. Another problem with Mars is that the planetary dynamo ceased function. Basically, Mars isn't just dead on the outside. The core has probably cooled to the point of nearly, if not entirely, hardening. No plate tectonics, no magnetic field (which is vital for the navigation in animals like birds and also protecting the life on the surface from radiation), and no active volcanoes or the like. Well, that's enough of my pessimism. XD
What movie can you watch over and over?
Ash Fohx replied to mushroomz's topic in Art and Entertainment
I've always been able to watch Lethal Weapon. For the longest time, it was my favorite movie. Now Howl's Moving Castle is the movie I absolutely must watch if I ever catch it on. x3 -
Oooo. Difficult, difficult. Let's see...ugh. I think my favorite is Final Fantasy VI, but I really enjoyed other games too. Oh well. I'll just list the ones that make it difficult to decide. -.- Final Fantasy VISuikodenFinal Fantasy VIIDragon Quest VIIISuikoden absolutely rocks. I think I may like it more than FF6 but, like I stated before, it's too difficult to decide on just one.
Mine was Mario Bros. I played it before I could even walk (I was three). I probably couldn't play well but I managed to beat it at the age of four. Sadly, I can't beat it now. XD
This is difficult for me because the Super NES was an excellent console with a great library of games but the Playstation is right up there with it. x_x I think I'm leaning more towards the Playstation because it has many of my absolute favorite RPGs while the Super NES was more of a console for adventure games and platformers.
I'm learning to play the keyboard. I can read music but I still can't sight read and I can play simple songs but I'm still not finished learning my first full song. I have no strong desire to be a musician but I figured it'd be fun to learn. As for instruments I tried and failed to learn, that would be the guitar. I have absolutely no talent with guitars. x_x