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Ash Fohx

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Everything posted by Ash Fohx

  1. A game called Wizards & Warriors or something like that for the NES. Absolutely horrible game. It was senseless, boring, and too difficult to even allow someone play it for the hell of it. ><
  2. My computer's got a 140GB hard drive but that's what it came with. It's meant to be a gaming computer right out of the box, so it's easy to open up and modify~ I'll add more disk space eventually. >:3
  3. The reason I say disarm the military (globally) is because I don't want any nation, even my own, having weapons and me not having a way to defend myself. We may think the U.S. wouldn't do something like that but the government is only as good as the people running it. Sadly, it's not the citizens that run our government, so the citizens are second-class to the politicians, and I don't trust politicians.
  4. It totally depends on what kind of graffiti. In my opinion, any graffiti made for the sake of vandalizing something is not art, no matter how good it looks. Any graffiti that is made up exclusively of text that's not decorated in any manner is not art. I've always believed that art is made by artists and that artists are people who have the intention of creating art. If the graffiti was made with the intention of creating art and effort was put into it to achieve this end, then it is art. That's the line I was saying I draw between graffiti and art.
  5. Honestly, I don't like the idea of guns at all. I'd be perfectly happy if people would just have at it with their bare hands whenever they had problems. Sure, it's slower but at least there's no way to say you accidentally killed anyone. The fact of the matter is, people use guns because they're easy to use and incredibly deadly in any hands, let alone those skilled with them. So, yes I do agree with the banning of guns in the UK (and everywhere else) but only if everyone, military and all, are disarmed. This will never ever happen, so I don't even bother thinking about it unless it's brought up.
  6. I only see two problems in what you're asking. The first request (free from control) and the sixth request (protection from foreign threats) don't really go very well together. The nation's defense is funded by taxes. Sure, that money could be spent more wisely but at least some of it is still going towards defense. And there is no way any government is going to protect anyone without asking for some level of control over the people. Honestly, I'd want some control if I were them. And the other problem is your last request. It also conflicts with the previous two I've mentioned because before we can defend ourselves from outside threats, we need to protect ourselves from internal conflict. That's what laws are for. Sure, there are stupid laws and the justice system is anything but due to corruption and the like, but it's better than nothing. Without order, there is anarchy. I wish I could believe my fellow human could conduct his or herself well enough without someone telling him or her what to do, but that's not the case, especially with such a huge population as most industrialized nations have. Now, as for things like speaking about your dislike of homosexuality without the fear of lawsuits or anything of that nature...that is going to affect life in a way that you probably wouldn't like since you don't seem to approve of homosexuality. If you're allowed to speak out against it, homosexuals should be allowed to practice it in public (you'll see same-gendered couples doing everything that straight couples do) and they should be allowed to advocate it just as you are speaking against it. For every request you make, there are going to come with it some prices, however small they may be. Free religion means that all religions should at least be tolerated if not openly accepted (Atheism, Satanism, Wiccan, and every other normally ill-thought-of religion must be accepted). If you ask for more personal responsibility, it'll be left up to you to defend yourself. If you ask for protection, you'll lose at least some control over how you live your life. That's what I think.
  7. I drive an '88 (I think, it's either that or '87) Cutlass Supreme with a Cutlass Cierra engine in it. I'm not too knowledgeable about engines so I don't understand why the previous owners swapped them out except that maybe the previous one was just had too many problems.
  8. I agree that street art is art but I draw a line between graffiti and street art. Very little graffiti is actually for the sake of any art. You can find both graffiti and street art in even the little town I live in: the graffiti is almost exclusively people talking about who they're in love with or who they hate, and the street art is a huge mural on the side of a laundromat. And street art isn't just about walls. My favorite street artist (you can see his art here) using chalk on sidewalks to create a 3-dimensional looking piece of art to an incredible effect. Sure, it only looks good from one angle and it's temporary art, but I've never seen someone capable of such perspective.
  9. I've never had a problem keeping my weight down. In fact, I'm having more trouble keeping it up than anything. I can't seem to weigh more than 142 at the most (most of the time I'm 137.5). >< And I've been gaming since I was four! XD Well, as far as exercise goes, I work hauling lumber, so there's a lot of heavy lifting and the like going on.
  10. For me, it was during my senior year in my English class because I was in a college-level course and the student in those classes are treated more like adults then students. We'd have all kinds of fun talking to our teacher and she didn't really care what we said or did so long as we respected her and her rules (which were very few). It was awesome~ x3
  11. I hate double posting but I just feel like maybe my request was forgotten or something. Anyways, I went and blew 250 helions on nothing so that I don't get anything out of posting. Hope you can let it go just this once. I only want to actually get to work on my site. I can't even skin the forums until they're up and running.
  12. Eh...I couldn't really get into that one. It's not bad but it's not one I can listen to over and over.
  13. I learned what I know in about three months but I'm kinda slow when it comes to such things. ^^; I couldn't learn crap from W3Schools though. Check out DayDream Graphics for some cool tutorials. They'll teach you PHP as you make working scripts, so you can learn how to make use of the knowledge you gain. ^^
  14. Well, while I agree with you that there must be other life out there, I just need to point out that a planet circling a star doesn't really provide evidence for life outside of Earth. One thing that is a sign there might be life is if there's liquid water on the planet. Water is one of the most abundant things in the universe but most of it is either frozen or vaporized. Another thing that's necessary is probably oxygen. I don't know if it's possible for there to be life that breathes in something else but one way or another, oxygen will probably be produced as a by-product. Methane is also a good sign seeing as all forms of life expel it at some point or another.
  15. Yeah. Never make it about something you're not truly interested in. If you make the website just to get hits or make money, you won't get anywhere. Try and be as knowledgeable as possible about whatever topic or topics you're covering and bring something to the 'net that other sites don't. For instance, I really love anime, manga, and videogames. Way back when I was a virtual n00b, I tried to create a site that had graphics, reviews, etc. just like all the big boys. I failed horribly. My graphics were just horrible but a bigger problem was that, even though I loved anime, manga, and gaming, I knew little to nothing that most people like me didn't already know.
  16. Okay, I asked for help on another message board but no ones even bothered to reply. I don't know if my question is difficult or if I'm actually doing everything right and something unknown is happening to ruin the layout I'm coding. Anyways, I'm coding a div layout and for the first time ever, I'm using z-index. I know how to use it and what it does and I even went to the TryIt Editor on W3Schools to test out my code and see that I'm doing it right, but the friggin' thing just doesn't work out. Every time the z-index is set to '-1' like it needs to be, it just disappears when it should simply hide behind the layer of text I placed over top of it. I even copied and pasted W3Schools exact code without altering it one bit and even that doesn't display correctly. Please, someone help me out with this. Oh, and here's the code. I basically stripped everything but what I'm having problems with out of it to see if something else was interfering but that didn't help either. <html> <head> <title> Site Title </title> </head> <body> <img alt="" src="images/04.gif" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:285px;z-index:-1;width:495px;height:170px;border:0px;" /> <p>Content goes here.</p> </body> </html>
  17. A cruise ship to get off the island. XD
  18. Yeah, but I may have to take back what I said. I just found out that the newest Hummers are actually small enough to fit on the roads. XD
  19. I use iTunes for music because it shuffles the songs much better than WMP and GOM Player for videos because it supports so many formats and gives me options for everything I could ever want. x3
  20. lmao Better late than never, I guess. Thanks for the welcome~! I think I've already gotten somewhat adjusted to the community already though. ^^;
  21. Nightwish is a Finnish symphonic metal band. People say that the previous lead singer, Tarja Turunen, sounded like an opra singer but I personally don't think she has the range for something like that. She has a beautiful voice nonetheless. Most of their songs seem to be in English, so you can understand them. If you go to RADIO.BLOG.CLUB, you can listen to some of their music online. I recommend The Kinslayer, Wanderlust, Higher Than Hope, Ghost Love Score, Planet Hell, and especially Nemo. ^-^
  22. Okay. I know I shouldn't ask why someone prefer something because it's not my business but I'm really curious and I've never gotten the chance to ask. RK, why do you want a hummer? Please, PLEASE tell me it's not so you can give it some killer paint job or spinning rims or something like that. The vehicle is made to go off-road so please tell me you'll use it like it's meant to be used. I hate seeing things go to waste just because people love to throw money around.
  23. My browser of choice is Firefox~ I just love how easily customizeable it is and how often it's updated to keep it secure. x3
  24. I wonder if we could find more of these rocks and maybe use them to grow wigs? o_O That'd be pretty cool. We'd set the rocks up in a field and have them all growing hair. XD
  25. If that happened to me, I would be one seriously confused person. If I just woke up and found I wasn't actually 19, but something like 8 or 9, I may feel relieved because I can maybe learn from the dream and not make the mistakes I've made, but if I was a completely different person from what I dreamt, I wouldn't know what to do. I'd probably just have to start from scratch and live my life to the best of my ability. That is rather depressing though, the thought that all of your friends and loved ones don't actually exist.
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