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Everything posted by Asgard

  1. 'Eh? ' @Tbone =/ --- Surely, a professional designer can have his/her own website with an own domain. What Kyougi means (I think) is that MySpace is cool. Well, it's not actually, but many people find it to be cool and actively make use of MySpace, and therefore it's nice for any artist to have a MySpace profile, so more people can find you (and your work). I made a MySpace profile as well... It can be found here, but I don't do anything with it. MySpace has got way too many ads scattered over the place and the page seems too 'crowded'.
  2. I won't upgrade mine to it, despite of all the good things of it when compared to XP. You might say it's compatible with almost everything, but I don't see it... My friends say their MMORPG game client doesn't work properly anymore on Vista and some other games don't run on it either... I used WindowBlinds for quite some time, but I think I'm just going to switch to Linux... Most likely Ubuntu (although I had some problems with it the last time I installed it).
  3. (He had one then?)
  4. I watched it aand... I'll have to take that back... I don't really like watching movies. Until now, Monty Python was the only exception I made, but now... It's not just a good movie, it is really *INCREDIBLE*. (Geez, I'm almost getting the feeling that I'm promoting some kind of viagra drug now) The jokes were very good and they did quite some original stuff in my opinion. =O
  5. Google is pretty much it for me. It's the biggest of all the search engines, it can find many things and it's got special functions... [ignoring the 'answer to life, the universe and everything']
  6. I don't know if I like computers. At the moment, my computer somewhat hijacked me, making use of dangerous weapons like internet, instant messaging and Ragnarok Online, which make sure I don't leave my computer for more than twelve hours straight. It's a great source of entertainment and information (/education) though, and I'm thinking of studying computer science when I'm in university, so I guess I semi-like computers... That is... Until they start to take over the world D=
  7. It seems a bit... complicated... I saw a RPG once which was some kind of vBulletin-mod. It's similar to the one you describe in this topic.
  8. Okay, thank you for your reply. =]
  9. You can never know for sure, but I don't think there is such thing as a God or gods. People who say God exists because the Bible says so, make use of a fallacy, because it's supposed to 'promote' God and its content comes from God. My guess is that the only reason why people believe in holy powers is that people don't understand everything and try to find an easy answer for it, just like what the ancient civilisations did. The Greek didn't understand how thunder comes into existance, so they 'made up' Zeus, the god of thunder for it. Eventually people become a bit wiser and see that those gods don't exist and look for something else, which they find in one God, a fatherlike figure. Of course, now a lot of people don't believe in God... Or at least they don't say they believe in God, but rather in 'Intelligent Design', which is the idea that a certain being (in other words: a god) designed everything. Surely, the evolution theory doesn't tell me everything... The evolution of the eye for example... You can't just 'add' one part of an eye; an eye doesn't work [correctly] until everything is there. But I'm sure science will find an answer to that... And the idea of a 'punishment' in the 'after life' if you did not believe in God or didn't live in a good way... Where did that come from? As far as I know, it isn't really named anywhere... The hell is something the church created in the Middle Ages, the time when they controlled everything.
  10. I don't think I have a favorite color... But I guess steelblue would come pretty close to it.
  11. I took a look at the HelioHost terms and I was wondering if there are any restrictions on the language I'm allowed to use on my site. Is it allowed to use foreign languages, or must I use English (on the entire site or as main language)?.
  12. I have watched a few episodes of the series, but I didn't like it that much. I don't think comedy and hospitals are a good match, and I'm already watching another series about hospital 'stories' and doctors anyway. For many people series like these 'encourage' them to become doctors, but... Ahem... When I see that... I don't think I'd be a good doctor...
  13. I like the series very much, as I try to watch The Simpsons everytime it's aired here on tv. I do not intend to watch the movie however, as movies made from series more often than not are just longer better looking episodes with a storyline that is below average.
  14. Ugh, I never seem to be able to finish any tutorial. Every time when I'm halfway I need to do other things (learn for tests, write papers for school) and when I'm done with these things, I have to start all over again, because I forget most things . I also have the problem of not being able to read huge boring texts about what a certain piece of code does and how you should use it. Fortunately, I've found PHP 101: PHP For the Absolute Beginner. I don't know if it's good, but at least it's easy to read and follow. It's only the basic stuff I think, so after this one I'll have to find more tutorials, or borrow a book about PHP at the local library. And how look it takes... I've read somewhere it takes about ten years before you totally master something, but I think it takes a few months to master the basics of PHP.
  15. Man =]. I first heard of the riddle in an episode of 'Flint the Time Detective' when I was a kid. I stumbled across it again last month, when I was translating a Greek text for school.
  16. Uhm, I don't think so. 1. Surely they can't fine you financially (which is what you're pointing at), but what they can do, is substract Helions from your account. 2. Heh? Isn't there a proper website already at heliohost.org? 3. If one would prosecute 'them' for such silly thing, I don't think one could possibly win.
  17. There are still people that use Windows 98 and ME. I do sometimes. (I really don't like them, but my parents are used to ME, so I can't just put something like Ubuntu on it. >.< ----- Anyway, to be a bit more ontopic, this reminds me a bit of something I've found yesterday: XAMPP. It's a bit bigger than WAMP, but that is because it comes with more stuff. It's pretty useful for testing scripts indeed and it's a bit easier than installing all programs manually. =]
  18. Uhm, according to Google Search, you forgot to add this:
  19. Well, it's not going to help me in my quest to download 1 GB in one second, but it's good enough for me...
  20. I was about ten years old I think, when I got my first computer. Some relatives of mine wanted to buy a new computer and sold it to us for 100 guilder (which is the Dutch currency used back then), so I could learn something. I don't know much about it actually. It was an IBM PC with a floppy drive. And that was about it I think. It didn't have speakers... (I was quite surprised when sound came out of it when I tried playing a game). Now, it could've been quite a good computer... Except for the fact that after about a year, the computer started to smoke and uhm... Well, it wasn't exactly useful after that.
  21. I'm listening to 'Are You Alive?' - also known as Battlestar Galactica's (miniseries) main theme - which was composed by Richard Gibbs. It's a bit weird, but I like it. =]
  22. Of all the browsers I have used I like Mozilla Firefox the most. Opera doesn't have a logo in my list of programs ('Open with...') and Internet Explorer 6 doesn't display things correctly (png's, div's) and runs all kinds of annoying scripts. It used to be my favorite browser though, when I still had Windows ME (awful OS) where it was still integrated with Windows Explorer. Firefox was a major improvement... Tabbed browsing, add-ons, skins (I never make use of this option, but at least it's there if I would want it), built in popup blocker, better search, standard Google search... For me, no other browser can beat that.
  23. Well, kind of... The picture is very nicely done, but... Well, just like most people said already, it's not special. A lot of people have got signatures like these nowadays. Personally, I think that the Spiderman is a little bit too light and the font used doesn't totally fit with the rest. (but that's my opinion)
  24. Mweh, I love to watch The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius and The Fairly OddParents: I think I've seen most of the episodes now. And then there is The Simpsons. Absolutely marvellous. "D'oh" =]
  25. In the holidays I usually spend my day behind my computer, playing Ragnarok Online, working on a website or a short animation movie or posting on forums. When I'm not behind my computer, I read books (Dutch & English literature) and scientific magazines. I also spend a bit of time in drawing stuff (with a ballpoint ), writing a lot of stuff (just to improve my handwriting) and learning how to write with my right hand.
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