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  1. Thanks, you may close this request.
  2. Hello team can you please assist me to reset my account to start over? Account login : elkhaddir Regards
  3. Hello team can you please assist me to reset my account to start over? Account login : elkhaddir Regards
  4. elkhaddir

    Tommy Upgrade

    Thanks Sir all good now, wow the server is faster, you are the best
  5. elkhaddir

    Tommy Upgrade

    Hello Sir, the good thing that are faster but when i want to execute a php index.php file it shows not found, also if the httpdocs is empty
  6. sure i am ok. please go ahead, thank you
  7. Thank you, also i have sent a request to migrate to the new Tommy server, can you help me with it ?
  8. Hello Can you please wipe my account? I want to start from the beginning Thank you
  9. i have sent a Tommy V2 test, it can be reset to the New Tommy2 account, regards
  10. elkhaddir

    Tommy Upgrade

    i will be happy to be a V2 tester! pls account name: elkhaddir
  11. Hello, can you please assist me to reset my account? i want to register a new one . regards
  12. Hello team, My Tommy account and dashboard are slow to load, sometimes take a while to load. Is there any help to resolve this issue ? Also can you upgrade my Python version from 3.10 to 3.12 and also same with Flask and django to the ultimate version ? Regards
  13. is there any news to update the tommy Python to 3.12 ? Or still in the process ?
  14. Can you please unsuspend my account ? I wrongly created 2 johnny accounts, but I saw that my Tommy account is suspended. Can you assit me pls? regards
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