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  1. Hy sir, Is there any cache limit for Postgresql on Tommy server?? Because I'm getting slow response from my db. When more requests are given, it's getting slow... that's why asked,is there any limit like number of connections or cache limit or anything that will make the db slow?
  2. Thanks a lot sir
  3. Remote access will be revoked on server change??? I'm not able to connect to my database now if yes, please enable remote access for my Postgresql DB, 1) prg_db1 2) prg_db2 3) prg_db3
  4. Hy sir, I have donated 6$ to Helio Networks for your amazing services. I got to know that a move to tommy server along with additional postgresql data will be granted for me! I have paid through paypal. TRANSACTION ID : 8G102950K0433112U ​ Account username : prg Account email : pranav.nss6@gmail.com
  5. Any updates sir??
  6. Ok thanks . My use is to store some filters and all like auto replies... 1gb will be enough r8??
  7. Hi What is the limits for for PostgreSQL db?? Like heroku have 10000 rows limit. In elephantSQL we can see something like 20mb. Like that.. ANy row limit for Heliohost PostgreSQL??
  8. Hy I'm requesting to kindly enable remote access for my PostgreSQL database. Details given below. Server : Johnny User : prg_prg Database name : 1) prg_db1 2) prg_db2 3) prg_db3 Thanks in advance! Please let me know if it is enabled.
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