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  1. Sure! Great movie but somethimes a little socking i would say. Well not for me but more for my parents....
  2. American Pie 1 &2 where great. But all the other sucked! Especially the one with the cusin of stifler .... Scam
  3. Pirates 2 sucked! What the @##@$ no end? I dind't like the finish...
  4. Nice one i will try it!!!
  5. I love Battlefield! But it is so narcotic that you will have to try not to be addicted! Once you get addicted then say goodbye to your personal life. Something like WOW!!!!
  6. Ap you can also try the epansion ! It is great. I have finished FEAR and is one game i will never forget! Thumbs up for FEAR!
  7. www.megagames.com It also has trainers....
  8. I didn't like them....
  9. Juno Reaktor- The best band ever! Only for techno lovers!
  10. http://live.str3am.com:2440/live.m3u Vynil Radio!
  11. I am crazy about rave partys!!!! http://www.shouted.fm/tunein/electro-dsl.m3u - Good live electro radio!!!!
  12. I like the gambling idea! I would also suggest that one can 'earn' helions for inviting people here.... e?
  13. I have one question... If someone rus out of helios and has a hossting solution what happens? The data uploded to the ftp? Are they lost? And another one! My site has been suspended! I understand the reasons that it has been suspended! But the files that i have uploaded? Are they erased?
  14. Nice!!!!
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