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Posts posted by Kelso

  1. I, using Linux, think that FF is great. Absolutly free, and running on almost all platforms, it is my favorite browser. I especially like greasemonkey. It alllows you to tinker with websites, so now all occurances of the name of the current President of the United States will be randomly changed to the name of a species of chimpanze.

  2. I quote awsomejoe23:

    What if we did a contest were we tried to get the most posts, but only count the ones in a certain section of a forum. We could make a new topic, and the person with the most posts relevant to that topic after a certain amount of time, or when the get to a certain amount, wins.






    It must be relivent to the topic and you can't double post, also comments about posts, such as lol or that was good, unless you attach it to you statement.

    that should prevent spam.

    P.S. if you spam it could count against you.





    Wouldn't that be cool?

  3. I've begun programming in PHP. If you really want to become a pro, check out Larry Ullman's books. He's a good author, and that's how I learned it.





    If you have any PHP questions, please feel free to PM me.

  4. You know what would be nice? Credit Cards. They increase your interest, getting you more money.









    Why do you have to collect it every day? That's kind of weird, and more than a little frusturating.

  5. Hi. My alias is Kelso, so just call me that. I have worked on many websites, but seeing as a am almost cursed when it comes to computers and just about everything else, all of my webhosts either shut down, or are horribly bland. HelioNet is, so far one of the best. A democracy; what a novel concept! I've done things in the following fields:


    Flash GUIs

    PHP Backends and CMSs


    CSS (Though I seem to be colorblind when it comes to making templates!:D)


    3D (Blender)

    And lots of other pitiful attempts to learn other languages.




    Wow! A lot of people registered yesterday! How come everyone joined? I just found it on free-webhosts.com.

  6. You'd replace the text in the address bar with the javascript. Which browser are you using?




    Be sure to click "go", or hit the return key. Then, select some text and press delete. You can now edit the page!



    If it doesn't work for you, click the link below:

    Edit This Page!



    Pretty Neat, huh?

  7. Me too.




    Hey! I've got an idea! Do any of you know about a guestbook that allows you to add HTML to a webpage? You could embed the HTML to make it look like there is a martian atacking the website!

  8. Try this: go to a website (Yahoo.com, MySpace.com) and type in "java script:document.body.contentEditable='true';%20document.designMode='on';%20void%200" without the quotes, or perhaps bookmark it. Nothing happened, right?



    Select some text on the page and click delete.



    Really sweet, huh?


    You can also modify images and screw up CSS. Look out yahoo, here I come!

  9. Perhaps some web-design competitions. We could have a competition where all the templates would be in a certain color, or perhaps a certain theme or style. Whoever won could get some extra helions (if that doesn't count as "free money") or perhaps a better package.




    I'm willing to be a judge!

  10. You can also embed code into your website to make it look like your website is being raided. Combined with PHP or CGI, you could have different effects every week, or to only blow up your website on April Fool's Day. It's really neat!

  11. I know. You all probably look at the term "chat bots" and run and hide. What is more scary than a robot that pretends to be someone else?



    However, by warning people of this danger, we can overcome it:





    Here's the code for a basic jabber chatbot. You can see it (sometimes) by chatting with fatlotus@gmail.com. Right now, all it does is send things back in a "elmer fudd" language, but this could be far more powerful:

    error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
    # Jabber Bot Test Script
    require ('class.jabber.php');
    set_time_limit (0);
    define ("INTRO","I am the Elmar-bot. I am not a human. Give me a word or phrase, and I will return what Elmar Fudd would have said. Just begin in with the word elmar and I will do the rest.");
    $jabber = new Jabber();
    $jabber->server = 'ssl://talk.google.com';
    $jabber->host = 'gmail.com';
    $jabber->port = 5223;
    $jabber->username = 'fatlotus';
    $jabber->password = 'PASSWORD REMOVED';
    $jabber->resource = 'Evil Bot of Doom v.1.0';
    $jabber->use_ssl = true;
    $jabber->enable_logging = true;
    $jabber->log_filename = 'Log.txt';
    $jabber->Connect() or die ('Error Connecting'."\n");
    $jabber->SendAuth() or die ('Couldn\'t login.'."\n");
    $jabber->SendPresence (NULL,NULL,"In Bot Mode");
    $jabber->SendMessage ("doggiearcher@gmail.com","chat",NULL, array("body" => "Hi Kelso!"));
    function Handler_message_normal($message) {
    function Handler_message_chat($message) 
        global $jabber;
        $from = $jabber->GetInfoFromMessageFrom($message);
        $body = $jabber->GetInfoFromMessageBody($message); 
        if ($jabber->StripJID($from) == "fatlotus@gmail.com") return;
        if ($body == "go2sleep" && preg_match("/^adminaccount@gmail.com/i", $from)) 
            $jabber->SendMessage ($from, "chat", NULL, array ("body" => 'Good Bye!'));
        elseif (preg_match("/^elmar /i", $body)) 
            $phrase = preg_replace("/^elmar /i", "", $body); 
            $translated = str_replace("r", "w", $phrase); 
            $translated = str_replace("R", "W", $translated);
            $translated = str_replace("l","w",$translated);
            $translated = str_replace("L","W",$translated);
            $translated = eregi_replace ("(r)r+","\\1",$translated);
            $translated = eregi_replace ("(w)w+","\\1",$translated);
            $jabber->SendMessage($from, "chat", NULL, array("body" => $translated)); 
            $jabber->SendMessage($from, "chat", NULL, array("body" => INTRO)); 
    function Handler_presence_available ($message) {
        global $jabber;
        $jid = $jabber->StripJID($jabber->GetInfoFromPresenceFrom($message)); 
        $jabber->SendMessage($jid, "chat", NULL, array("body" => INTRO));




    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Right now, I don't have time to finish this, but I will answer any questions!

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