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Posts posted by Kelso

  1. Well... It's not like the interest is that much. It is better just to post a few times a day, at least for me. Interest helps those with a lot of cash, but I am unfortunatly lacking in that :(

  2. Woah. This upgrade is cool. I like the "edit post" skin. Did you design it?



    I was a little worried when the website was down, but now that it's back online, I have something to do with myself again!

  3. Hi. On my website, fatlotus.heliohost.org, I have the ads on the top of the screen. Strangly enough, some PHP and datebase connection code is placed on the top of the screen. I think this can be solved by using plain HTML.







  4. I just say: I tried to email it to you, but I got a mailer-daemon error. It works really well, especially if your teacher is sort of techie. Ahh, the nostalgia of the good old days...

  5. I used to have a windows box. It came with viruses installed. It would have to be reinstalled every two weeks, and made the CPU sound like a jet engine. Then I switched to Ununtu Linux and was stunned. My favorite part about Linux was the customizability. You can make a top menu bar, a right program folder, a bottom dock, and a bunch of "Widgets" along the left side of the screen.





    My Vote: Linux, all the way!

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