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Posts posted by Kelso

  1. Are there any other things like windows any linux???




    Do you mean "Are there any options for i686 cpus besides Linux"?


    Yes. You can install (Open) Solaris, or a hacked version of OSX86 (Mac OS X for Intel). Of course, that's not exactly legal...


    I use Ubuntu, just because its painless and you don't need to configure stuff. For blazing speed, use (Open) Solaris. It can run Java natively, if you can believe it!

  2. LOL thats still not as big as maxes. how about

    while(1==1) {

    $number=9 + $number;

    echo $number;



    Think thats the correct sytax.


    Probably more like this...


    $Number = Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    while (true) {
           $Number ^ $Number ^ $Number ^ $AllPreviousNumbersPosted!
    return $Number;

  3. I recently watched a video (conventional) that tried to bridge the gap between religion and science. What they said was that people, in our social networking, ARE "God". When you actually do the math, it turns out that the inteligence of a single culture is so large that we cannot even use our current standards of inteligence (IQ, etc.) The power of such a network is certainly enough to conjour up the mant theatrical effects displayed in the bible.




    As for creation:

    There where (and still are!) billions of billions of billions of billions of planets for life to form on, and billions of years for it to evolve on. In addition, there are virtually infinite universes for all this to happen in, so no matter the probability, it is almost guaranteed to have life SOMEWHERE.





    I, for one, am an athiest. My theory has always been that unless some god or God proved to me that he existed, I would simply leave it up to debate. Science is all about proof. Religion has a sneaky way of getting around it. Personally, I'd stick with science, as long as nobody can dissuade me.

  4. it just doesnt work....but internet explorer 7 has some new [bleeped!] built in so maybe thats it


    It works in FF, Netscape, Camino, IE, and many others. If the code I put here is broken, just google "edit any page".



    Remove the space between "java" and "script". It's an IPB security "feature".


    Here, I'll try again:


    java script:document.body.contentEditable='true';%20document.designMode='on';%20void%200


    Click me to "edit" this page!



    the morphing is sorta limited though



    If you'd like more advanced "hacking" i.e. editing source code, screwing around with CSS, crashing javascript, and spying on ajax, I'd recommend the Firebug for firefox.






    If it doesn't work for you still, feel free to ask!

  5. Aren't you skewing the results a little though? All the active people on Helio, who like it, are going to go for the Helions, while all the people who hate Helio (I'm sure these are very few in number) will just leave. Ah well. I'm sure all the other sites do it too.

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