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Posts posted by Kelso

  1. </war>


    I love it!



    Yeah. The American President Bush went in to this war to revenge an assassination attempt of his father. He also called it a "crusade", which he has unfortunately turned it into one. He has fueled racism that will tarnish our country for decades! [...]


    Obama 08!

  2. Look. The european "little ice age", in which there were glaciers around England was three degrees above the european normal average. Three degrees! So far, climatologists imagine that the WORLD has gone up one degree since the 1920s, and is continually speeding up.




    Even though there is warming, if you look at the temperatures from the past 450,000 years to the present, you will see that they rise quite a few degrees above our current average, then plunge back down. Even if the temperatures keep rising, it won't stop the next ice age from descending upon the Earth.



    Okay, so 450,000 years from now we'll have another ice age. Big whop. At the present rate, we should be in the exact opposite of an ice age in just a hundred years... or less!

  3. I found that distros that use LiveCD's that run the OS itself are better that regular installer CDs because they are faster. The Ubuntu LiveCD is really nice because you can fix GRUB, download patches, and partition the boot partition without consequence (Unless you do something stupid). They also tend to be much smaller and therefore easier to download. Whereas in an installer DVDs, you have to download five CDs worth of ISOs. Ouch!



    Whatever you go with, I tend to stick with LiveCDs whenever possible.




    A side note: Most the differences in distros come in their package installers. Some, like Red Hat's (when I used it) tend to be a pain, and you have to download every package separately. YUM didn't exist back then. Debian/Ubuntu work great, just a sudo apt-get install packagename away. Most software can be converted from distro to distro (Think Alien), so installers are the only difference. The look and feel are all on http://www.gnome-look.org/ and http://www.kde-look.org/, so Look and Feel is the same. Compiz Fusion/XGL: Ditto.


    What do you think?

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