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Everything posted by delphiki

  1. Would like to relocate to Tommy for the better up-time. Can I either A. create a second acc then delete the first or B, as someone in the discord recommended use a donation? TXid: 5BD787728H5854818 $5 from 2 or 3 days ago I was under the belief that that donation only doubled your storage space which I haven't bothered to do because I don't need the space (<5% currently). EDIT: I don't need my files I have a backup I just wanted to avoid deleting the first account then making the second to avoid the down time since it could take a couple tries to get tommy.
  2. Thanks I apparently somehow activated my discord bot which is very laggy... it wasn't supposed to be on. Disabled it and will check it later to verify memory usage drops.
  3. I was suspended today (although my site is still up interestingly). I doubt I was using excessive resources I checked a few days ago and the bars were all very low and no major changes have been made. Could I be suspended or at least told the cause of my suspension. Please unsuspend user "delphiki"
  4. Dialogflow V2 Google project that makes it easy for developers to design and integrate conversational user interfaces into mobile apps, web applications, devices, and bots. https://github.com/googleapis/dialogflow-python-client-v2 PRAW Reddit api wrapper https://praw.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/installation.html XKCD python XKCD web comic api wrapper https://pypi.org/project/xkcd/
  5. I currently have a free server on Johnny but was surprised to see that the list of installed modules does not include any chatbot modules. I am interested in DialogFlow and have written a program in python for a discord bot using this API which does work (on my pc at least). I assume that they are not deliberately omitted to prevent people from using chatbots as there is an official Heliohost tutorial of using the discord api. If DialogFlow is not possible for whatever reason or if you believe that it would create un-necessary network traffic (which should be low just to ping the website and get a text only response back) please consider these other modules (which may be better and more versatile). chatbotAI ChatterBot
  6. Thanks that worked perfectly! For anyone reading this in the future the shebang line is: #!/usr/bin/python3.6 which is necessary to tell the server which compiler to use. Also notepad++ works ok but you need to replace all /r/n with just /n.
  7. Ok that seems more than reasonable. Is there any reason why this start.py file would return an internal error (500)? #!/usr/bin/python3.6 import os, subprocess, signal print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n") counter = 0 p = subprocess.Popen(['ps', '-u', 'delphiki'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # must match your username --------^^^^^^^^ out, err = p.communicate() for line in out.splitlines(): if 'Jane.py'.encode('utf-8') in line: # ^^^^^^^^^^^----- this has to match the filename of your bot script counter += 1 print("Bot already running.") if counter == 0: subprocess.Popen("/home/delphiki/Jane.py") # ^^^^^^^^-- be sure to update it to your username print("Bot started!") The file does exists and is in the main directory and I have triple checked the capitalization. Permissions are 755 for all three files. I tried replacing and re-copying both of the files from the original.
  8. thanks it does in fact have everything I need already installed. I will actually go with a discord bot instead of IRC which I have planned to switch to for awhile. Thanks for your help and the tutorial. how strict is the ban system? I don't *think* that it should be at high load. I once had a simple IRC bot running on a RPI zero and it ran fine. I cannot find details about the CPU specs allotted to users but the usage should be rather low. Data usage should be limited to text and occasional images (not sure about if I even will have images). Is there any way to throttle load to prevent running at max for more than a certain amount of time?
  9. import sys, osimport dialogflow_v2 as dialogflowimport codecs, json from twisted.internet import defer, endpoints, protocol, reactor, taskfrom twisted.python import logfrom twisted.words.protocols import irc I am making an IRC bot for an IRC server and would like to host it 24/7 it should be very low cpu intensive because it is a small server and I doubt that it will have more than a dozzen uses per hour. I don't see how to actually keep the script running though. Using the helloworld test (which does work) I assume that it only stays running while the browser window is open and restarts in a new instance every time someone opens the webpage? I also dont understand how to install dependencies? would I just package all of the required files into a folder and upload that? I understand that heliohost does not have a command interface. Is there some other way to pip install?
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